Lilmisskushy's posts
Posted in The Ohm Emporium || S> April CIs, Buying lots!
Posted 4 years ago
@reanna: thank you so much ^.^

Posted in The Ohm Emporium || S> April CIs, Buying lots!
Posted 4 years ago
@reanna: 1 of each of the nightwalker items please Hun not reaper .. just incase there's a price difference and they cost more

Posted in The Ohm Emporium || S> April CIs, Buying lots!
Posted 4 years ago
@reanna: Sorry I'm not sure either I don't know the prices for older stuff .. I can send a trade now and then do another trade when we find out the prices .. that's if it suits u :)

Posted in The Ohm Emporium || S> April CIs, Buying lots!
Posted 4 years ago
@reanna: yes please still interested ^.^

Posted in temporary closed
Posted 4 years ago
@kairu: sorry I thought rarest and rares were that price cus I've seen them go for more when other people sell them .. I thought that was a low price for a rare and a rarest and a common.. sorry again

Posted in temporary closed
Posted 4 years ago
@kairu: does 30k volts sound ok ?

Posted in temporary closed
Posted 4 years ago
I have devil's food cake.. Knickerbockers.. Edwardian...90s grunge .. grunge

Posted 4 years ago
@ava: yes of course trade sent

Posted 4 years ago
@ava: hello there sorry I didn't get this ping .. are you still looking to buy ?❤️

Posted in Come meet my snails
Posted 4 years ago
This is one of the snails that belong to that woman in the group that I mentioned he's huge

Posted in Come meet my snails
Posted 4 years ago
@nephila: I guess they can be they eat loads XD depends how spoilt they are lol I buy mine different flavoured snail mixes and fruits and veg they also get dried meal worms and cuttle bone for calcium to build their shells.. and when they're poorly they have to have green tea baths or bee pollen baths ..they're so worth it though
@megaame: there's a lady in the group who's snails are like 3-4 times bigger than mine their shells alone are like 20cm .. mine came from a home that they weren't looked after properly so they're probably not as big as they should have been unfortunately.. my finger slipped the other day and I got another snail so I will be getting a snail mail soon XD I didn't know till few weeks ago that eBay actually sell them... but u have to be careful who u buy off .. it's not good to buy any snail most people on there sell runts and ur not supposed to sell runts they get sick or outgrow their shells which is fatale for them .. if u ever do decide to get some let me know and I can invite u to a great group first and they will give u some great advice
@megaame: there's a lady in the group who's snails are like 3-4 times bigger than mine their shells alone are like 20cm .. mine came from a home that they weren't looked after properly so they're probably not as big as they should have been unfortunately.. my finger slipped the other day and I got another snail so I will be getting a snail mail soon XD I didn't know till few weeks ago that eBay actually sell them... but u have to be careful who u buy off .. it's not good to buy any snail most people on there sell runts and ur not supposed to sell runts they get sick or outgrow their shells which is fatale for them .. if u ever do decide to get some let me know and I can invite u to a great group first and they will give u some great advice

Posted in Come meet my snails
Posted 4 years ago
@glume: aww thank you so much they're cuter than most people think xD my friend used to be grossed out until she seen me handling them then she was fascinated XD
@megaame: I didn't know there was so many species either until I joined the group.. only one is teeny tiny I just got him 2 weeks ago he's a baby the other 2 are bigger than my hand ^.^
@megaame: I didn't know there was so many species either until I joined the group.. only one is teeny tiny I just got him 2 weeks ago he's a baby the other 2 are bigger than my hand ^.^

Posted in Come meet my snails
Posted 4 years ago
@nephila: aww thank you so much.. a snail group I'm in call them slime bunnies which I think is adorable cus when here faces are squished up against the tank they're wee face looks like a bunny XD
@megaame: thank you so much .. Garry is a Lissachatina fulica albino .. turbo is a Lissachatina fulica reticulate and Sheldon is a fulica rodatzi.. they live between 3-10 years depending on the species
@goblinsandtea: aww thank you .. you definitely should they're so easy to care for once u do some research and very fascinating.. some people actually keep garden snails that make their way into people's homes or snails they've found on fruit and veg that they've bought.. u can get unicorn snails they're so tiny and pretty xD I think I'm going to end up the crazy snail lady there's so many species I want them all XD
@megaame: thank you so much .. Garry is a Lissachatina fulica albino .. turbo is a Lissachatina fulica reticulate and Sheldon is a fulica rodatzi.. they live between 3-10 years depending on the species
@goblinsandtea: aww thank you .. you definitely should they're so easy to care for once u do some research and very fascinating.. some people actually keep garden snails that make their way into people's homes or snails they've found on fruit and veg that they've bought.. u can get unicorn snails they're so tiny and pretty xD I think I'm going to end up the crazy snail lady there's so many species I want them all XD

Posted in Come meet my snails
Posted 4 years ago
@totalanimefan: yeah i don't think people are allowed to own them in the USA ..well I think ur allowed certain ones but not giant African land snails .. its fascinating having them as pets I love watching them slime about the place XD and they have their own characters.. Sheldon is very shy .. Garry used to be shy now he's always out mouthing at the tank wanting food and turbo is very curious and nosey he doesnt like to miss anything XD