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Posted in Closed Posted 7 years ago
Posted in Closed Posted 7 years ago
Posted in Closed Posted 7 years ago
Posted in Closed Posted 7 years ago
Posted in Closed Posted 7 years ago
Posted in Closed Posted 7 years ago
Light References:

Dark References:
Posted in Closed Posted 7 years ago
All characters
Posted in Closed Posted 7 years ago
Registering a character

Human character sheet:
Name, age, appearance, gender/sex, personality, history..... what am I missing?

Fae character sheet:
True name, name they go by, appearance, gender/sex (if applicable), personality, history, abilities/magics, ???
(Age is important in light court, but they are ageless so it's not required)
Posted in Closed Posted 7 years ago
Fae Characters
If you choose to make a Fae character, they must follow the rules of the Fae race. Each Fae must pick a court to live in, or live in the human world. Each must also get a specific element they draw power from. (fire, water, earth, air, light, dark) Additionally, each Fae character can have 5 unique magics or abilities. These are usually related to their element, but can be element neutral. (Please no world bending, universe making, all powerful magics)

Fae are humanoid in shape, but beyond that, they can look like anything. Historically Fae creatures have been fallen angels, demons, ghosts, spirits, witches, and more. So there are no limits on appearance. Keep in mind though, every Fae character will need a human appearance if they are to enter the human world.
Posted in Closed Posted 7 years ago
Dark Court aka Winter Court
Dark Fae enjoy feats of strength and power, and spend their time fulfilling their desires. Dark Fae are known to kidnap humans to keep as companions, pets, and slaves. Dark court's crowded streets are lined with mismatch buildings, and everything seems haphazardly designed. The dirty, cluttered rooms of the dark court are full of passion. Dark court is a place where any Fae can find their wishes and desires met.

- Fae of earth, water, cold, and dark typically are of the Dark Court.
- The Dark Court has no issue with violence, and Dark Court Fae can be violent, predatory, and territorial.
- Dark Court Fae are more likely to prank a human unprovoked, as there are no restrictions regarding interaction with humans.
- Dark Court holds games and contests of power and strength.
- Dark Court doesn't have many laws, and no rules of decorum. Breaking a law may result in exile or death.
Posted in Closed Posted 7 years ago
Light Court aka Summer Court
Light court is known for their love of the arts. Fae take pride in artistic hobbies. However, Fae can find their creativity grows stagnant over time, leading to the practice of kidnapping talented humans. Light court's tall white stone buildings are full of spacious rooms, perfect for music, art, literature, or other worthy ventures. The immaculate and precise buildings, furniture, landscaping, and Fae themselves, leads Light Court to be unimaginably beautiful but also cold and hard feeling.

- Fae of fire, air, heat, and light typically are of the Light Court.
- The Light Court frowns on violence as unseemly, and most Light Court Fae are not violent.
- Light Court Fae are known to trade favors with each other and humans.
- Light court holds games and contests of honor.
- Light Court has ridged laws and rules of decorum. Breaking laws or rules may result in exile from court.

A ridged code of etiquette is imbedded into society at Light Court. Although not officially laws, breaking rules can result in being shunned by other Fae. One of the guiding measures of proper etiquette is age, the oldest Fae in a setting, has the highest rank, and is first and last in all things.
- The persuit of perfection of oneself, is the most important pursuit. Fae should seek to present themselves as their best self, in action and appearance.
- Fae should be a pleasure to be around.
- Fae should seek to be in control of themselves in all things.
- Fae should seek to present an acceptable amount of emotion, at appropriate times.
- Fae should be honest and never seek to mislead.
- Fae should seek graceful conversion habits, listen respectfully and never interrupt.
- Fae should display fair and just thinking in all situations.
- Fae should seek to eliminate character flaws such as greed and envy.
- Open conflict is unacceptable in civilized society.
Posted in Closed Posted 7 years ago
Fae = a fairy creature
- Fae are trickery in nature. They love playing pranks on humans, which can include anything from moving or stealing objects or breaking things, to kidnapping or causing illness.
- Fae gold doesn't hold form in the human world for long. Over time it deteriorates, becoming a manifestation of nature, typically leaves.
- Fae love sweets and baked goods. Also often fond of cream and butter.
- Fae weakened by iron and alder wood. Iron bells repel Fae.
- Fae remember debts and always collect. Favors are never given freely, and neither are gifts. Humans giving gifts to Fae may confuse or offend them. Fae always hold someone to their promises.
- Fae can tell if someone is lying, and thus never lie to each other. Fae typically can't lie; though whether this is habit or magic is unclear.
- Fae must be invited into a Fae dwelling before they can enter.

Fae Magic
- Although each Fae has magic and abilities all unique to them, all Fae can use name and blood magic. Someone's name or blood can be used to control or manipulate them, for better or worse. This magic works on humans and Fae alike.
- Fae also have the ability to hypnotize humans with song and dance, though each human responds differently.
- One of the more important magics that all Fae posses is the ability to change their appearance. Each Fae can take on a human version of their form, or be invisible. But these powers only work in the human world.

Faerie = the fairy world
- Fae can move freely between the human world and Faerie via teleportation; and are welcome in courts not their own so long as they follow court laws.
- Fae can bring a human to Faerie, with or without consent. But a human can leave of their own will unless they eat or drink in Faerie, at which point they must be taken back by a Fae.
- Time in Faerie moves more slowly. This you may spend a day in Faerie and find that weeks have passed in the human world. (Regardless of Faerie time, the rp will take place in modern time on earth, not the past or future)

Laws of Faerie
- A Fae may claim a human as their own.
- No Fae may harm or use magic on a claimed human that isn't theirs, on earth or in Faerie.

Light Specific Laws:
- no hurting each other
- killing
- stealing
- don't use magic on each other without permission
- missing anything?
Posted in Closed Posted 7 years ago
Anyone is welcome to post in the ooc thread. Please remember the forum rules prohibit hangouts, so keep things rp related. But if you have a question or suggestions, please share them.

I may take a backseat in the actual rp, be more like, npc (LPC if you will) and stuff than a real member. Depends how many people are interested.

~Working on character sheets for character creation.
Posted in Vontell's Chat Raffle! [Winner's Announced!] Posted 7 years ago
I've done D&D before. I liked it. I don't think I'd actually like to be a dm though. I'm terrible at plots. XD

I'll just be the world builder. Like, make maps and creatures and treasure and you all use it however. :vanora_xd: