Lithium's posts
Posted in The Curious Case of Vontell
Posted 7 years ago
@Vontell: Check the object:

Posted in How many fuses do you have?
Posted 7 years ago
Currently 120.

Posted in The Curious Case of Vontell
Posted 7 years ago
@Vontell: Visit Velvet.

Posted in I am new. As you can tell. :D
Posted 7 years ago
@aesir: My people, lol.
I lurk a lot too.
I get drawn out for events and post in one or two places on the reg.
I lurk a lot too.
I get drawn out for events and post in one or two places on the reg.

Posted in [x]
Posted 7 years ago
@apollo im burning: Hmm, food wise. I’d bring protein/granola bars, maybe not with chocolate so if it’s hot they don’t melt and become goo.
If you can’t have an open flame, then I am stumped. I normally go the tradition hot dogs over the fire, throw something in tin foil and heat it up method.
If you can’t have an open flame, then I am stumped. I normally go the tradition hot dogs over the fire, throw something in tin foil and heat it up method.

Posted in [x]
Posted 7 years ago
@apollo im burning: I’m game to try camping again, just need to go with the right people and bug repellant!
Spiders are not my cup of tea, they were the only things that got in. As long as you store your food away from where you sleep you should be okay :)
Spiders are not my cup of tea, they were the only things that got in. As long as you store your food away from where you sleep you should be okay :)

Posted in What did you want to be when you were a kid?
Posted 7 years ago
As a child I wanted to be a fashion designer and a marine biologist, as I got older a zooologist, but my math teacher told me I wouldn’t be able to do that because I’m not good with math.. then from there an art therapist and now I have no idea what to do with my life.

Posted in [x]
Posted 7 years ago
I have not liked camping the two times I have been. The first time the tent wasn’t set up right, it rained and I was the lucky one who got drenched. Spiders got inside the tent too.
The second time no one but anything on the floor of the tent to keep the cold from the ground out so I froze all night.
I love nature, hiking and exploring, but I have not had a good experience in camping yet.
The second time no one but anything on the floor of the tent to keep the cold from the ground out so I froze all night.
I love nature, hiking and exploring, but I have not had a good experience in camping yet.

Posted in I am new. As you can tell. :D
Posted 7 years ago
@aesir: Welcome to Voltra, I hope to see you around the forums! Everyone here is delightful, and there’s a lot of activity with the current event going on so transition should be a cinch

Posted in How many fuses do you have?
Posted 7 years ago
Currently 84 and it’s driving me insane because I’m trying to be disciplined enough to buy the set once I have all fuses.

Posted in Win Prizes!
Posted 7 years ago
I was also a day late to the fuss.
On catch up mode.
On catch up mode.

Posted in Starting a quest
Posted 7 years ago
@dread pirate: That’s awesome! I love when cameras are better in upgrades. I have a real camera but lugging that thing with me is annoying and I always have my phone.
@schye: Ceral Lurker club should be a thing.
@schye: Ceral Lurker club should be a thing.

Posted in Starting a quest
Posted 7 years ago
@dread pirate: Any cool new features or anything cool if it has a camera?

Posted in help im.gonna.diieeee
Posted 7 years ago
@rainbowpanda: That’s rough, I know that feeling. You don’t want to move because you know it’ll get worse. I’m sorry you had to suffer through that. I know I hate to feel over heated it makes me feel like I’m going to be sick.