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Busy or sleeping, I believe.
One off both ways, but not exactly yet.
Hello vengeance.
Is it? I find I prefer the chair.
I have a chair in my room that I sit in, so that I don't use my bed. Otherwise I am certain I would be just as guilty.
I like how my character looks now.
Sleep is necessary, too. I think I am going to say either my character again. Silly as it looks, I'm not satisfied with it.
Capitalism would not like how people used to live even a thousand years ago, I think.
I think the change from nap to sleep is around four hours? I also read that sleeping through the night is relatively new, and that it used to be four or five hours, putter for an hour or two, and another four of five hours of sleep.
Those are paper mache eyes.
Mother claims to not like naps. Also, my character needs help, she can't see anything.
It might turn into a nap party.