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Oh dear, we have become a yawn party.
Please excuse the yawning.
It is. Somehow, Mother does not understand that neither Father nor I are like her in that aspect, and thinks that we are not being serious when we tell her we are ready to go home less than an hour in.
Mother thrives on it. Father and I do not.
Mother likes going to events where she is the friend of a friend and I know no one, so she takes me along. I do not know why, so I bring a book and find a quiet spot to read.
Clock time here is just after noon.
Starting to feel tired, so I think bedtime is in an hour or two.
Good luck with the interview.
Work and school?
Slow time of day for the site?
It would be easier to get a 13 that way. I should check the prizes again.
That is good.
Less puny? We all need to grow now?