Littlewhitedragonlet's posts
Posted in How many mushrooms do you have? [Ends 21st]
Posted 7 years ago
Jesi Says:
@rheostatic: both; you should wear those pants that have the zippers at the knees to turn in to shorts

@rheostatic: both; you should wear those pants that have the zippers at the knees to turn in to shorts

Art by LittleWhiteDragonlet

Posted in How many mushrooms do you have? [Ends 21st]
Posted 7 years ago
Jesi Says:
hm maybe I should boil some eggs to make egg salad sammiches later... OvO
1972 shrooms~
hm maybe I should boil some eggs to make egg salad sammiches later... OvO
1972 shrooms~

Art by LittleWhiteDragonlet

Posted in Ch. 14 Home Sweet Home
Posted 7 years ago
Jesi Says:
@RainbowPanda: my mom only gets about 4, and on bad nights we can get only 2 or 1 so 6 is fine XD;;
@Neko: LOL save a pic of it and change your avi anyways haha I change mine like every day lmao
@Tuijp: aaaaa yeah a wet floor wouldn't have been good there
@RainbowPanda: my mom only gets about 4, and on bad nights we can get only 2 or 1 so 6 is fine XD;;
@Neko: LOL save a pic of it and change your avi anyways haha I change mine like every day lmao
@Tuijp: aaaaa yeah a wet floor wouldn't have been good there

Art by LittleWhiteDragonlet

Posted in Ch. 14 Home Sweet Home
Posted 7 years ago
Jesi Says:
@RainbowPanda: yup yup! plus I only sleep about 6 hours most of the time r i p
@RainbowPanda: yup yup! plus I only sleep about 6 hours most of the time r i p

Art by LittleWhiteDragonlet

Posted in Ch. 14 Home Sweet Home
Posted 7 years ago
Jesi Says:
@Tuijp: aaaaah makes sense. our kitchen is at the back of the house and the only person who enters through the laundry room/garage is my brother and that's normally only in the middle of the day
@Tuijp: aaaaah makes sense. our kitchen is at the back of the house and the only person who enters through the laundry room/garage is my brother and that's normally only in the middle of the day

Art by LittleWhiteDragonlet

Posted in How many mushrooms do you have? [Ends 21st]
Posted 7 years ago
Jesi Says:
1919 and I should...finish my breakfast woops
1919 and I should...finish my breakfast woops

Art by LittleWhiteDragonlet

Posted in Ch. 14 Home Sweet Home
Posted 7 years ago
Jesi Says:
@RainbowPanda: lol over 20 years of having to do it and your internal clock is just like "this is when we wake up now" hahahaaaaaaa ;v;
@Neko: thanks!!! I really like yours toooooo, rockin that cute raver look haha
@RainbowPanda: lol over 20 years of having to do it and your internal clock is just like "this is when we wake up now" hahahaaaaaaa ;v;
@Neko: thanks!!! I really like yours toooooo, rockin that cute raver look haha

Art by LittleWhiteDragonlet

Posted in Ch. 14 Home Sweet Home
Posted 7 years ago
Jesi Says:
@RainbowPanda: yeaaaaaaaaaaaah I'm used to it but it can suck haha
@Tuijp: yeah; her water is by the laundry room door in the kitchen and her food bowl is by the backdoor/sliders, about 4 or 5 feet away
bye Dragon!!!
OwO hi Nekooooooooo I'm good, you?
@RainbowPanda: yeaaaaaaaaaaaah I'm used to it but it can suck haha
@Tuijp: yeah; her water is by the laundry room door in the kitchen and her food bowl is by the backdoor/sliders, about 4 or 5 feet away
bye Dragon!!!

OwO hi Nekooooooooo I'm good, you?

Art by LittleWhiteDragonlet

Posted in Ch. 14 Home Sweet Home
Posted 7 years ago
Jesi Says:
@Tuijp: she's...messy lmao we have a towel folded under her water bowl and the food bowl is kept slightly away so she doesn't drown her food in the morning XD
@RainbowPanda: haha it's not too bad; when I was in band in high school I had to get up at 5am cause 0 period started at 6:30 but the director wanted us there at 6 -v-;;
yis!!! When I can finally afford the vest I want for her it's gonna be hot pink and have 2 detachable side bags lmao cause "omg your dog is carrying your stuff" is such a Good response from people hahaha
@Tuijp: she's...messy lmao we have a towel folded under her water bowl and the food bowl is kept slightly away so she doesn't drown her food in the morning XD
@RainbowPanda: haha it's not too bad; when I was in band in high school I had to get up at 5am cause 0 period started at 6:30 but the director wanted us there at 6 -v-;;
yis!!! When I can finally afford the vest I want for her it's gonna be hot pink and have 2 detachable side bags lmao cause "omg your dog is carrying your stuff" is such a Good response from people hahaha

Art by LittleWhiteDragonlet

Posted in Ch. 14 Home Sweet Home
Posted 7 years ago
Jesi Says:
@Tuijp: yeah; we saw a trainer when I had a better job and every time Annie would stop to drink like half the dish of water the trainer would be like "yup...she's a lab" because she looks more like a Rott in build/size and markings lol
@Tuijp: yeah; we saw a trainer when I had a better job and every time Annie would stop to drink like half the dish of water the trainer would be like "yup...she's a lab" because she looks more like a Rott in build/size and markings lol

Art by LittleWhiteDragonlet

Posted in Ch. 14 Home Sweet Home
Posted 7 years ago
Jesi Says:
@Tuijp: oh man that's great! she's only about 6 months into her training; we got her from the shelter at 3.5 y/o but she already had shaky follow-through on commands and is off-leash trained
@Tuijp: oh man that's great! she's only about 6 months into her training; we got her from the shelter at 3.5 y/o but she already had shaky follow-through on commands and is off-leash trained

Art by LittleWhiteDragonlet

Posted in How many mushrooms do you have? [Ends 21st]
Posted 7 years ago
Jesi Says:
@vengeance: thanks! I wanted to match the teapot XD
@vengeance: thanks! I wanted to match the teapot XD

Art by LittleWhiteDragonlet

Posted in Ch. 14 Home Sweet Home
Posted 7 years ago
Jesi Says:
@Tuijp: yeah lab mixes are nice; we had what we think was a Pure Shiba Inu for the past couple years before he passed, and I had a pure Alaskan Malamute for 15 years and she was a Perfect Angel (lol she was great; very protective of my dad and I xD) but Annie is def the most well behaved...but she's also being trained for service work so that helps XD
@RainbowPanda: nope! I just wake up early ha my mom doesn't sleep much either, and my papa when he visits wants us up around 5am to get coffee and go for a morning walk.we're just early birds I guess haha
yaaaaas! here, this is a pic of her "working" while we were at the ren faire this year lol

@Tuijp: yeah lab mixes are nice; we had what we think was a Pure Shiba Inu for the past couple years before he passed, and I had a pure Alaskan Malamute for 15 years and she was a Perfect Angel (lol she was great; very protective of my dad and I xD) but Annie is def the most well behaved...but she's also being trained for service work so that helps XD
@RainbowPanda: nope! I just wake up early ha my mom doesn't sleep much either, and my papa when he visits wants us up around 5am to get coffee and go for a morning walk.we're just early birds I guess haha
yaaaaas! here, this is a pic of her "working" while we were at the ren faire this year lol

Art by LittleWhiteDragonlet

Posted in How many mushrooms do you have? [Ends 21st]
Posted 7 years ago
Jesi Says:
1826! Only 174 Shrooms from a full set (now including a Teapot Goodie Bag lol)
1826! Only 174 Shrooms from a full set (now including a Teapot Goodie Bag lol)

Art by LittleWhiteDragonlet