Luffer Nutter's posts
Posted in TFW
Posted 6 years ago
@tuijp: I've never had it what's it taste like?
@ixora: they show every single boxing scene and it's amazing, except that one.
I was hyped for darling and until the very end it was amazing. I was watching episodes every week all stoked for the new one. Then they just took this turn with the story at the end and ended it in such a 'where da fuq did the anime I was enjoying go?' I actually didn't even watch the last couple episodes it lost my interest that hard. XD Aldnoah was not anywhere near as bad as darling but it was just the first time I felt disappointed in the ending of an anime's story. Not the whole story just the ending.
Those are a lil different than megalobox and zodiac wars though because all those shows disappointment came down in the last half of the final episode XDDD
@ixora: they show every single boxing scene and it's amazing, except that one.
I was hyped for darling and until the very end it was amazing. I was watching episodes every week all stoked for the new one. Then they just took this turn with the story at the end and ended it in such a 'where da fuq did the anime I was enjoying go?' I actually didn't even watch the last couple episodes it lost my interest that hard. XD Aldnoah was not anywhere near as bad as darling but it was just the first time I felt disappointed in the ending of an anime's story. Not the whole story just the ending.
Those are a lil different than megalobox and zodiac wars though because all those shows disappointment came down in the last half of the final episode XDDD

Posted in TFW
Posted 6 years ago
@tuijp: just straight up cheese sammies I like your style. What kind of cheese?

Posted in TFW
Posted 6 years ago
@ixora: and how could I forget Meglobox. I was so hyped on this anime. It had the most amazing artistic touches from the background music to the fact that it was an homeage to a much older boxing anime so they literally drew it like it was made in the 90s then remastered it. Like I appreciate the shit out of that. And the story and fights were all so good. So this is a boxing anime, and of course the main char has this ultimate boss rival. So final episode they're finally fighting and they go to land their final blow and it turns into a still frame of them about to punch each other fades out and then fast forwards in time to well after the fight. That actually may have been my most disappointing 10 minutes in anime. They didn't show the secene the entire anime built up to.

Posted in TFW
Posted 6 years ago
@tuijp: what'd you make for breakfast?
@ixora: I will keep it in mind! Do you know if it's on any legal streaming services? I am too lazy to pirate these days but I have some friends that would if I asked. :3
I also thought the premise was cool, kind of a fate feel to it. Aldnoah.Zero was my first wtf disappointment. Most recent was Darling in the Franxx
@ixora: I will keep it in mind! Do you know if it's on any legal streaming services? I am too lazy to pirate these days but I have some friends that would if I asked. :3
I also thought the premise was cool, kind of a fate feel to it. Aldnoah.Zero was my first wtf disappointment. Most recent was Darling in the Franxx

Posted in TFW
Posted 6 years ago
@ixora: XDDD even though i was so wtfmate at the noses the story was so good now they're endearing.
Also yes btw I am totes team Hak and Yona is a way better female lead than Miaka. Buuut I did love her for her appetite XD
Aaand going back to earlier. My bestie and I had these crazy theories about the ending for zodiac war and then we got that. That was actually his first time experiencing that kind of disappointment from an anime lol
And Sailor Moon Crystal is like maaaaybe 40 episodes? I forgot 3 seasons around 13-14 eps each I think
Also yes btw I am totes team Hak and Yona is a way better female lead than Miaka. Buuut I did love her for her appetite XD
Aaand going back to earlier. My bestie and I had these crazy theories about the ending for zodiac war and then we got that. That was actually his first time experiencing that kind of disappointment from an anime lol
And Sailor Moon Crystal is like maaaaybe 40 episodes? I forgot 3 seasons around 13-14 eps each I think

Posted in TFW
Posted 6 years ago
@ixora: Then Sailor Moon Crystal is the perfect version for you to watch. It starts from the very beginning and since it goes by the manga with no filler it is WAY shorter! YOU SHOULD WATCH IT LIKE TOMORROW. Aaand if you like it some day you should also watch the original if you ever feel up for 200 episodes. o.o;;
Psssh Miaka? Nobody cares about her it was all about Nuriko!! And also Tatsuki, and the emperor guy Hiro...something. Tamahome was alright.
I loved Escaflowne when I was not into mech animes! XD You know I've only gotten into mech animes more for their post apocalyptic feel these days. God Escaflowne was sooo good tho even though when I saw it for the first time I was like wtf is up with their noses
@tuijp: ermahgerd you're so european πβ€
Psssh Miaka? Nobody cares about her it was all about Nuriko!! And also Tatsuki, and the emperor guy Hiro...something. Tamahome was alright.
I loved Escaflowne when I was not into mech animes! XD You know I've only gotten into mech animes more for their post apocalyptic feel these days. God Escaflowne was sooo good tho even though when I saw it for the first time I was like wtf is up with their noses
@tuijp: ermahgerd you're so european πβ€

Posted in TFW
Posted 6 years ago
@ixora: also as for something not on your list I reccomend 91 Days and as lame as it miiiight sound Yuri on Ice was SO GOOD I could watch the opening on repeat for a long time so beautifully animated o.o Also idk whyyy Sailor Moon Crystal ain't on that list but if you haven't seen it you should. Sailor Moon is kind of a cornerstone of the genre /coughandmyfavecough and they redid beautifully and stayed true to the manga. β€

Posted in TFW
Posted 6 years ago
@ixora: I see you're watching Yona of the Dawn loves that, very much a Fushigi Yuugi feel β€ And you've finished Flame of Recca which I loooove! /continuesgoingthroughlist... Were you as disappointed as me with the end of zodiac war? I haven't finished Knight of Sidonia but I am on the 2nd season and I like it. Some people don't like the animation but I got used to it. I watched the first couple episodes of magus bride but I wasn't feelin it, kind of slow and boring. Pretty animation though. I am in the process of watching no game no life and I lile it so far, very funny. :3 If you like one punch man you should check out mob psycho 100, made by the same guy, also epic and funny. Seriel Experiments Lain? That's some old school mind fuck I watched that on vhs XD Seven Deadly Sins is great except for the lead female I can't stand her but literally every other character makes up for it. There's other anime on your list you've watched that I also like but this is already a novel.
@tuijp: I hope in the time it took me to write the novel above you have woken? ;>.>
@tuijp: I hope in the time it took me to write the novel above you have woken? ;>.>

Posted in TFW
Posted 6 years ago
@piaro: you too #nolurkerleftbehind

Posted in Just got back from Ikea!
Posted 6 years ago
I actually had them for the first time the last time I went there. They were indeed bomb diggity π

Posted in Hello (ο½ο½₯Οο½₯Β΄)οΎ
Posted 6 years ago
@ixora: I live for those moments o_____o

Posted in TFW
Posted 6 years ago
@ixora: depends on wjat kind of animes you like I watch a wide variety of genres myself. We are currently watching Overlord.

Posted in TFW
Posted 6 years ago
@ixora: I am waiting on my roommate to watch anime but he can't stop won't stop playing overwatch XD

Posted in TFW
Posted 6 years ago
Omg yay somebody came πππ