Luffer Nutter's posts
Posted in Community Discussion @ 7:30PM Voltra Time
Posted 6 years ago
@fozzy: I can see the event teaser but when I click the silhouettes preview for the CIs all I get is a black picture even when I save it ;-;

Posted in Selling/trading: various items.
Posted 6 years ago
@zuzu: yay tysm! Sorry somehow I didn't get notified of this ping 😢

Posted in Quitting sale, ALL must go!!
Posted 6 years ago
@blair elric: trade sent tysm ❤

Posted in Quitting sale, ALL must go!!
Posted 6 years ago
@blair elric: may I please buy the undercover for 5k?

Posted in Luc's Coins: Temporarily Closed
Posted 6 years ago
@mortician: any items you are interested in?

Posted in Selling/trading: various items.
Posted 6 years ago
Damn I missed out 😂😭

Posted in Arcs Goods and Wares[buying and selling]
Posted 7 years ago
@arcius: thank you! Trying to liquidate some of my spares I have a lot of for items for a contest I am gonna start next month ^.^

Posted in Arcs Goods and Wares[buying and selling]
Posted 7 years ago
@arcius: sweet thank you and just so you know the conversion rate for ohms is around 20 volts per ohm :3

Posted in Arcs Goods and Wares[buying and selling]
Posted 7 years ago
@arcius: squid ink+ellie+ 1k for spring showers?

Posted in lith's exchange [s] DI + Orb Items
Posted 7 years ago
@lithium: yes I am ^.^

Posted in lith's exchange [s] DI + Orb Items
Posted 7 years ago
@lithium: may I please buy spring showers and pong sailing for 9k?

Posted in Nothing to see here >3>
Posted 7 years ago
Contest thread layout ideas:
~ It's Da Booty Jackpot! ~

Hai Voltra. It's finally happened. I got the Sept '17 crate. I now own one of everything(minus shop commons, which is now where my focus will be) on voltra! Since I realized I was missing the crate, I never stopped hoarding extras so that when the time came I would have whatever the person would want for the crate. Now that that's done I am sitting on a huge pile of beautiful, glorious, BOOOOOOOOOTY. Which I would like the share with all of you since I honestly don't have much use of most of it these days. I have decided to host a posting contests, much like the ones a user on Ernya used to host that I loved participating in. 8D
Since this is starting October and there will be a Halloween event, posting goals have been set a little higher than mthey will be for months with no events.
1: Intro
2: Rules
3: Posting Contest
4: Art Contest
5: Entry Forms
6: Page Prizes
7: Thread Helpers/Donators
~ Da Rulez ~

Please pay special attention to #3
1. ONE challenge at a time per person, mules are not allowed.
2. Though I know there is no way I can prevent it, I would really prefer if you only did challenges for items you do not already own. Let's spread the love around y'all. If you're somebody like me who has most everything just enjoy the boosted activity plznty.
3. Posts in the Game forum do not count. During events posts in the count how much event currency/how much do you have now/etc... threads do not count. Post to bump a thread to the front page of a forum do not count.
4. I must be able to view your posts from your profile. As tedious as it will be if there is suspect of cheating I will need to be able to check. (It is the link that shows your total posts right under your avatar on your profile. If you don't have a custom profile shouldn't be anything to worry about.)
5. You may do one monthly challenge or two biweekly challenges per month. (Also booty will change every month!)
~ The Bountiful Booty ~

I know some of these may seem more challenging than others based on their marketplace value, but my spares are not infinite, so I tried to take in value, with the amount of spares that I had, with also averages of the top posters per week post amount. Hopefully by people participating in this activity will be boosted and all challenges accepted will be completed.
There is only one of each challenge available per month, so once somebody has claimed one it is no longer up for grabs unless they back out. You will have a couple days wiggle room to finish but these are based on dates not actual length of time, so if you start a 2 week challenge on the 10th of the month you will only have 6 days to complete it.
2 Week Challenges(Run the 1st-16th, and the 15th-2nd day of the next month)
Sound Horns: 10 posts
Alphaca Plush:10 posts
Seal Plush: 10 posts
Reaping Ritual Goodie Bucket: 50 posts
Fishing Fanatic: 100 posts
Vanora's Necklace: 100 posts
Vyctor's Horns: 100 posts
Vontell's Book: 100 posts
Deep Sea Diver: 150 posts
Key to the City: 150 posts
Squid Ink: 75 posts
Ellie: 100 posts
USB Hoodie: 200 posts
Common Orb Summer '18: 225 posts
Alicorn Orb: 250 posts
Monthly Challenges(Run from the first day of the month to the 2nd of the following month)
Arachnocratic: 200 posts
Blackout Crate: 300 posts
Current Month's Crate Item #1: 500 posts
Current Month's Crate Item #2: 500 posts
Skunk Punk: 500 posts
Sky Master: 500 posts
Frankie: 500 posts
Spring Showers: 500 posts
Engile: 500 posts
Frog Prince: 600 posts
Serene Royalty: 750 posts
Floral Empress: 750 posts
~ Cut to the Chase ~

How to Enter
Entering is easy! Just post the form below in the thread then start numbering your posts!
@Luffer Nutter: Lemma at dat booty gurl
Chosen Challenge:
By writing my username below I acknowledge that I have read and comprehend all the rules.
EZPZ lemon SQZY amirite?
~ Art Contest ~

Obligatory Art Contest
Because what user with funds to throw around and nothing to quest doesn't want some art? XD
Contest Dates: Oct 1st 2018 - Feb 1st 2019
There is no limit to the amount of entries you can submit, but you may only win one prize from this contest
Avatars you can draw to enter can be found in the first post here:
Grand Prize, best overall: Pre-Launch Alpha Crate
Runner Up: Alicorn Orb+Serene Royalty Orb+Winter '18 orb
Best CG: October Crate(choice of Angelic or Demonic with chance to win rare)
Runner Up: Set of Winter '18 ohm orbs
Best Traditional: Serene Royalty
Runner Up: Set of Winter '18 ohm orbs
Best Chibi: Centaur
Runner Up: Set of Winter '18 ohm orbs

Hai Voltra. It's finally happened. I got the Sept '17 crate. I now own one of everything(minus shop commons, which is now where my focus will be) on voltra! Since I realized I was missing the crate, I never stopped hoarding extras so that when the time came I would have whatever the person would want for the crate. Now that that's done I am sitting on a huge pile of beautiful, glorious, BOOOOOOOOOTY. Which I would like the share with all of you since I honestly don't have much use of most of it these days. I have decided to host a posting contests, much like the ones a user on Ernya used to host that I loved participating in. 8D
Since this is starting October and there will be a Halloween event, posting goals have been set a little higher than mthey will be for months with no events.
1: Intro
2: Rules
3: Posting Contest
4: Art Contest
5: Entry Forms
6: Page Prizes
7: Thread Helpers/Donators

Please pay special attention to #3

1. ONE challenge at a time per person, mules are not allowed.
2. Though I know there is no way I can prevent it, I would really prefer if you only did challenges for items you do not already own. Let's spread the love around y'all. If you're somebody like me who has most everything just enjoy the boosted activity plznty.
3. Posts in the Game forum do not count. During events posts in the count how much event currency/how much do you have now/etc... threads do not count. Post to bump a thread to the front page of a forum do not count.
4. I must be able to view your posts from your profile. As tedious as it will be if there is suspect of cheating I will need to be able to check. (It is the link that shows your total posts right under your avatar on your profile. If you don't have a custom profile shouldn't be anything to worry about.)
5. You may do one monthly challenge or two biweekly challenges per month. (Also booty will change every month!)

I know some of these may seem more challenging than others based on their marketplace value, but my spares are not infinite, so I tried to take in value, with the amount of spares that I had, with also averages of the top posters per week post amount. Hopefully by people participating in this activity will be boosted and all challenges accepted will be completed.
There is only one of each challenge available per month, so once somebody has claimed one it is no longer up for grabs unless they back out. You will have a couple days wiggle room to finish but these are based on dates not actual length of time, so if you start a 2 week challenge on the 10th of the month you will only have 6 days to complete it.
2 Week Challenges(Run the 1st-16th, and the 15th-2nd day of the next month)
Sound Horns: 10 posts
Alphaca Plush:10 posts
Seal Plush: 10 posts
Reaping Ritual Goodie Bucket: 50 posts
Fishing Fanatic: 100 posts
Vanora's Necklace: 100 posts
Vyctor's Horns: 100 posts
Vontell's Book: 100 posts
Deep Sea Diver: 150 posts
Key to the City: 150 posts
Squid Ink: 75 posts
Ellie: 100 posts
USB Hoodie: 200 posts
Common Orb Summer '18: 225 posts
Alicorn Orb: 250 posts
Monthly Challenges(Run from the first day of the month to the 2nd of the following month)
Arachnocratic: 200 posts
Blackout Crate: 300 posts
Current Month's Crate Item #1: 500 posts
Current Month's Crate Item #2: 500 posts
Skunk Punk: 500 posts
Sky Master: 500 posts
Frankie: 500 posts
Spring Showers: 500 posts
Engile: 500 posts
Frog Prince: 600 posts
Serene Royalty: 750 posts
Floral Empress: 750 posts

How to Enter
Entering is easy! Just post the form below in the thread then start numbering your posts!

@Luffer Nutter: Lemma at dat booty gurl
Chosen Challenge:
By writing my username below I acknowledge that I have read and comprehend all the rules.
EZPZ lemon SQZY amirite?

Obligatory Art Contest
Because what user with funds to throw around and nothing to quest doesn't want some art? XD
Contest Dates: Oct 1st 2018 - Feb 1st 2019
There is no limit to the amount of entries you can submit, but you may only win one prize from this contest
Avatars you can draw to enter can be found in the first post here:
Grand Prize, best overall: Pre-Launch Alpha Crate
Runner Up: Alicorn Orb+Serene Royalty Orb+Winter '18 orb
Best CG: October Crate(choice of Angelic or Demonic with chance to win rare)
Runner Up: Set of Winter '18 ohm orbs
Best Traditional: Serene Royalty
Runner Up: Set of Winter '18 ohm orbs
Best Chibi: Centaur
Runner Up: Set of Winter '18 ohm orbs
~ Page Prizes ~

First Poster every 10th page in the thread receives 10 ohms!
First Poster every 50 pages wins choice from RIG bank
First Poster every 100 wins choice from CI bank

First Poster every 10th page in the thread receives 10 ohms!
First Poster every 50 pages wins choice from RIG bank
First Poster every 100 wins choice from CI bank
Snuggle Bunny
Corvid Coture
Squid Ink
Extraordinary Puppet
DJ DURocious
Common Orb Summer '18
Corvid Coture
Squid Ink
Extraordinary Puppet
DJ DURocious
Common Orb Summer '18
Rainbow Mesh
Pond Sailing
Valorous Knight
Victorious Captain
The Electrician
Pond Sailing
Valorous Knight
Victorious Captain
The Electrician

Posted in Closed
Posted 7 years ago
@piaro: thank you!! I have been searching for 9 months! 😭😭😭❤❤

Posted in Selling RIG items
Posted 7 years ago
@dipper: your luck is magical because one just showed up on the exchange 😂