Luffer Nutter's posts
Posted in The sanctuary
Posted 7 years ago
@saeyra: well for one of my jobs I work at disneyland so yeah I am a fan XD
@tuijp: channel your inner hiddleston, I bet he loves himself!
@paranoia: that is so awesome!
@EVERYONE I'm gonna try to get my 3 hour nap in before working both jobs for 12 hours so goodnight hopefully catch you guys tomorrow if I'm not dead X_x
@tuijp: channel your inner hiddleston, I bet he loves himself!
@paranoia: that is so awesome!
@EVERYONE I'm gonna try to get my 3 hour nap in before working both jobs for 12 hours so goodnight hopefully catch you guys tomorrow if I'm not dead X_x

Posted in The sanctuary
Posted 7 years ago
@tuijp: dood that is awesome! Self love is so important <33
@paranoia: aw how cute ^3^ I am assuming you know the kids? It's awesome how far society has come in just the last century
@paranoia: aw how cute ^3^ I am assuming you know the kids? It's awesome how far society has come in just the last century

Posted in Yuri on Ice
Posted 7 years ago
I just say basic bitch cos it is totally a fan service type of anime like Free lol
Yes you should definitely finish it the last part of the last episode was dreams come truuuu <333 for me at least lol It's pretty short too like 13 eps I think? I could never get tired of the intro :vanora_heart: :vanora_heart: :vanora_heart:
Yes you should definitely finish it the last part of the last episode was dreams come truuuu <333 for me at least lol It's pretty short too like 13 eps I think? I could never get tired of the intro :vanora_heart: :vanora_heart: :vanora_heart:

Posted in The sanctuary
Posted 7 years ago
@saeyra: dread is moving in on all the booties XDD
@paranoia: for real though. So I must ask how did you have kids? Were you married before? Did you adopt with a partner?
@tuijp: Well it must be nice feeling sexy all the time then cos tom hiddleston is fine AF
@paranoia: for real though. So I must ask how did you have kids? Were you married before? Did you adopt with a partner?
@tuijp: Well it must be nice feeling sexy all the time then cos tom hiddleston is fine AF

Posted in The sanctuary
Posted 7 years ago
@tuijp: that comment makes me feel like Loki in your signature XDD

Posted in The sanctuary
Posted 7 years ago
@dread pirate: well sounds like you have some stuff to figure out if you tryin to wife this ass up. I just want to say that I will be such an amazing wife some day :vanora_sun:
@saeyra: yes he needs to move to or near amsterdam we're working out a deal right now. Mail order Luffer XD
@another movie addict: truuuu I bet fairies never gain weight or change appearance if they don't even get old. Damn. Must. Be. Nice.
@Paranoia: I want your life :vanora_cry: :vanora_cry: :vanora_cry: I know that is probably insanely sheltered and ignorant for me to say but so far sounds great
@saeyra: yes he needs to move to or near amsterdam we're working out a deal right now. Mail order Luffer XD
@another movie addict: truuuu I bet fairies never gain weight or change appearance if they don't even get old. Damn. Must. Be. Nice.
@Paranoia: I want your life :vanora_cry: :vanora_cry: :vanora_cry: I know that is probably insanely sheltered and ignorant for me to say but so far sounds great

Posted in The sanctuary
Posted 7 years ago
@Paranoia: lol yeah then I got hardcore distracted here and I was NOOOOOO the MOOCOW!!
@another movie addict: riiight? cartoons are unrealistic, int he words of my man Kendrick show me something natural :vanora_sun:
@another movie addict: riiight? cartoons are unrealistic, int he words of my man Kendrick show me something natural :vanora_sun:

Posted in The sanctuary
Posted 7 years ago

Posted in The sanctuary
Posted 7 years ago
Honestly if cosmo was real he would have such dad bod so if anything you would just be doing it better!

Posted in The sanctuary
Posted 7 years ago
@Paranoia: I mean you post faster than me so if I can keep up I have faith in you!

Posted in The sanctuary
Posted 7 years ago
@dread pirate: 5'8 is doable, it's when it hits the 5'6 mark and I have to bend down to kiss you we ain't vibing XD Certainly a compromisible height for babies and bud >3>

Posted in The sanctuary
Posted 7 years ago
@another movie addict: that's a bummer! That sounds awesome I've never seen that at a con personally :3
@Paranoia: you should come here because this thread is too lit for me to keep up with any other threads XD
@Paranoia: you should come here because this thread is too lit for me to keep up with any other threads XD

Posted in $$$$Free Money$$$$
Posted 7 years ago
Dood. Everybody wins. This is it, carpe diem!

Posted in The sanctuary
Posted 7 years ago
@another movie addict: my roommates are doing cosmo and wanda for halloween <333