Luffer Nutter's posts
Posted in The sanctuary
Posted 7 years ago
Yeah I mean everyone I know with kids that uses those "benefits" is sturggling so bad they need them to even have a hope of getting by. The world we live in folks.
I'm just over here like
where you live at tho? XDD
I'm just over here like
where you live at tho? XDD

Posted in The Strip Club. [Same management! New passion!]
Posted 7 years ago
Although it makes me want to never ever double post again, which is good and bad...

Posted in Hey guys
Posted 7 years ago
Because then I have to go through the effort of copying and pasting the link into a new tab XD I mean if you had at least made the URL clickable... XDD
Are you gonna paint your skin white? ARE YOU GOING TO DO WHITE FACE?
Are you gonna paint your skin white? ARE YOU GOING TO DO WHITE FACE?

Posted in The Strip Club. [Same management! New passion!]
Posted 7 years ago
Huzzah! Also I hope my suggestion gets made because as much as I love my own face and pugs I am over seeing my sig so many times on one page >____>
And if I am sick of it I can't even imagine how others feel XDD
And if I am sick of it I can't even imagine how others feel XDD

Posted in The sanctuary
Posted 7 years ago
@saeyra: um okay so where do you live and how do I move there? I hope it's somewhere with fine ass daddies :vanora_sun: :vanora_sun: :vanora_heart:

Posted in The sanctuary
Posted 7 years ago
Well I know Florida 100% gives you a hefty tax credit when you do your taxes in the beginning of the year(I grew up in FL and most of my family is there still), but I live in CA now which is a super liberal state so I think they help out a lot more. I know my friends with kids have no taxes taken out of their paychecks and get more money back at tax time per kid. Also if you get food stamps or unemployment/welfare your dependents will affect that as well. But not having any kids myself I am no expert lol

Posted in The Strip Club. [Same management! New passion!]
Posted 7 years ago
Okay okay so you're reasons were valid. You're not about to pass out on me though are you? :vanora_cry:

Posted in The Strip Club. [Same management! New passion!]
Posted 7 years ago
Ooooh yeah you're right the first few I did were set to repeat then I changed it, but then when I was done talking shit I made them loop again XDDD

Posted in The sanctuary
Posted 7 years ago
Prrrobably? But if I can't raise a kid without the help of the government then I don't want to intentionally have one. I feel like those kind of relief programs are for the unplanned, or at least should be :vanora_sweat:
I've never felt less liberal in my life than when making this comment XD
I've never felt less liberal in my life than when making this comment XD

Posted in 1 Volt Auction
Posted 7 years ago
Username: Luffer Nutter
Item Bidding on: September '17 crate
Bid: 305 volts
omfg did you get it from gamestop? They had some star wars and pokemon ones I wanted so badly but I already had so many I couldn't justify the purchase XD
Item Bidding on: September '17 crate
Bid: 305 volts
omfg did you get it from gamestop? They had some star wars and pokemon ones I wanted so badly but I already had so many I couldn't justify the purchase XD

Posted in Sending/Donating/Transfer Items option
Posted 7 years ago
No need to apologize I put a disclaimer on almost every post I make here saying sorry if it's been suggested cos I am lazy as fuck to do anything but scan the thread titles on the 1st page XDD
I was just trying to give you hope of it becoming a real thing sooner rather than later :3
I was just trying to give you hope of it becoming a real thing sooner rather than later :3

Posted in 1 Volt Auction
Posted 7 years ago
Username: Luffer Nutter
Item Bidding on: September '17 crate
Bid: 303 volts
Pokemon go got me on that portable charger everywhere I go life. Even if I barely play pokemon go anymore I am just in the habit of keeping a spare charger in my purse. XD
Item Bidding on: September '17 crate
Bid: 303 volts
Pokemon go got me on that portable charger everywhere I go life. Even if I barely play pokemon go anymore I am just in the habit of keeping a spare charger in my purse. XD

Posted in The sanctuary
Posted 7 years ago
That and the way the economy is vs when our parents were our age it's just not feasible. I want kids so bad but I could not afford to take care of anybody but myself and I barely get by with that even with two GOOD paying jobs X.x

Posted in The Strip Club. [Same management! New passion!]
Posted 7 years ago
Also which ones did you skip you bitch? I wasn't talking for myself!! Oh... wait... actually that is literally what I was doing. GOD DAMN THAT CUTE ASS COMFORTING VOICE FILTER.