Lufi's posts
Posted in PWYW ★ Tarot Readings ★ Closed for now
Posted 5 years ago
@Cashmerella: Your collection is amazing! I really love the Persona cards.
I recognize that mystery deck! If I'm correct, it's called Gypsy Witch Fortune Telling Cards, and they were first made in 1903 in Chicago. They later changed the backs of the cards and they come in an orange box now. I saw a first edition selling for $200 once in a local shop, and it was used!

Posted in PWYW ★ Tarot Readings ★ Closed for now
Posted 5 years ago
@Cashmerella: c: I'd love to talk about it with you! I was gifted my first deck when I was 12 (I'm 28 now) and I've been reading them ever since. I was super bad at it when I started, and sooo slow.
What are some of your decks? I love all of the different styles out there.

Posted in Lufi's Little Black Book
Posted 5 years ago
I'm trying to work on the motivation to open an Etsy shop, but I'm feeling very uninspired right now.

Posted in PWYW ★ Tarot Readings ★ Closed for now
Posted 5 years ago

Thoth | Mirror Spread
Question: How does he really feel about me?
★ Card One: You - Eight of Disks;
You are patient and take your time, considering all facts before taking the next step. You like to wait for things to work out before trying something else. You may overthink situations sometimes, or take no action at all because you cannot decide which option is best.
★ Card Two: Them - Five of Disks;
Unstable and filled with worry, this card usually represents anxiety and doubt. He may not feel like he has enough support to take on the world. He could be going through some sort of crisis.
★ Card Three: The way you see the other person - The Moon;
The Moon has many meanings, and is perhaps the most mysterious card of them all. You may consciously or unconsciously ignore the darker side of him. This card could also mean that you see him as someone who has mood swings or someone who asks for too much. No matter what meaning we choose, The Moon is dark.
★ Card Four: The way they see you - Five of Swords;
He sees you as a battle he cannot win. He may feel defeated or unworthy. He might be unsure of his feelings and unable to deal with them properly. His mind is filled with worry. He cannot choose what he wants.
★ Card Five: What the other person represents to you - Eight of Swords;
You have conflicting ideas of him. There are struggles and difficulties all around him, but you see the goal more than the obstacle. He is a challenge for you.
★ Card Six: What you represent to them - Prince of Disks;
He sees you as something more stable than what he is used to. He might be using you to feel more grounded and attached to the world. He sees you as someone who isn't very emotional, which is what he needs right now.
★ Card Seven: Obstacles within the relationship - Art;
You both want something very different in this relationship. Things feel incomplete right now. You may need to be honest with him and talk about what you both want, and come to some sort of agreement.
★ Card Eight: Strengths within the relationship - The Empress;
There is a connection here, and many emotions. When things are going well in your relationship, everything feels perfect. You go together very well. You get fulfillment out of this relationship, although the feeling might not last long.
I always hate giving super negative readings, but sadly there wasn't much good in this one. :/ It sounds like he is struggling with something deep down and you cannot fix it. He is going to have to work this out on his own. It's your choice on if you want to stick around and hope he chooses you over whatever he is struggling with.
Edit: I'd like to note that I accidentally moved the art card and empress card around in the photo. I have to move the cards to a better lit area after reading them for the picture, and I mixed up their positions! The reading is still correct, just the photo is wrong.

Thoth | Mirror Spread
Question: How does he really feel about me?
★ Card One: You - Eight of Disks;
You are patient and take your time, considering all facts before taking the next step. You like to wait for things to work out before trying something else. You may overthink situations sometimes, or take no action at all because you cannot decide which option is best.
★ Card Two: Them - Five of Disks;
Unstable and filled with worry, this card usually represents anxiety and doubt. He may not feel like he has enough support to take on the world. He could be going through some sort of crisis.
★ Card Three: The way you see the other person - The Moon;
The Moon has many meanings, and is perhaps the most mysterious card of them all. You may consciously or unconsciously ignore the darker side of him. This card could also mean that you see him as someone who has mood swings or someone who asks for too much. No matter what meaning we choose, The Moon is dark.
★ Card Four: The way they see you - Five of Swords;
He sees you as a battle he cannot win. He may feel defeated or unworthy. He might be unsure of his feelings and unable to deal with them properly. His mind is filled with worry. He cannot choose what he wants.
★ Card Five: What the other person represents to you - Eight of Swords;
You have conflicting ideas of him. There are struggles and difficulties all around him, but you see the goal more than the obstacle. He is a challenge for you.
★ Card Six: What you represent to them - Prince of Disks;
He sees you as something more stable than what he is used to. He might be using you to feel more grounded and attached to the world. He sees you as someone who isn't very emotional, which is what he needs right now.
★ Card Seven: Obstacles within the relationship - Art;
You both want something very different in this relationship. Things feel incomplete right now. You may need to be honest with him and talk about what you both want, and come to some sort of agreement.
★ Card Eight: Strengths within the relationship - The Empress;
There is a connection here, and many emotions. When things are going well in your relationship, everything feels perfect. You go together very well. You get fulfillment out of this relationship, although the feeling might not last long.
I always hate giving super negative readings, but sadly there wasn't much good in this one. :/ It sounds like he is struggling with something deep down and you cannot fix it. He is going to have to work this out on his own. It's your choice on if you want to stick around and hope he chooses you over whatever he is struggling with.
Edit: I'd like to note that I accidentally moved the art card and empress card around in the photo. I have to move the cards to a better lit area after reading them for the picture, and I mixed up their positions! The reading is still correct, just the photo is wrong.

Posted in PWYW ★ Tarot Readings ★ Closed for now
Posted 5 years ago
@Sappho: Thank you! I really love animals like sheep, alpacas, etc so I often dress my avatar like them.
@Saeyra: Yeah I'd be afraid to order anything from there for a while too. I'm actually getting over an illness right now, but it's not nearly as serious.
@Priestess of Pie: I'm glad it could help. c:
For anyone wanting to order, I'm away from my cards until February 2nd. You may still order, just expect readings to be a little later than usual.

Posted in PWYW ★ Tarot Readings ★ Closed for now
Posted 5 years ago
@Priestess of Pie:

Thoth | Monthly Growth
Question: What do I need to focus on to get myself closer to my current goals?
★ Card One: Theme - Nine of Cups;
Your overall theme this coming month is fulfillment and happiness. Things you have been hoping for can finally come true if you put your energy to good use. You will have a good chance to surpass your current goals.
★ Card Two: Focus - The Hermit;
You should focus your energy this month on yourself. Look deep into what you want, what drives you, and what holds you back. Spend your time studying both yourself and your goals. This is a great time to resolve any inner conflicts you may be feeling, and to learn new ways to achieve your goals. You may need to spend some extra time alone. Devote yourself to your goals this month, it will pay off.
★ Card Three: Growth - Ten of Cups;
It is very likely that this month will be a success for you, but the happiness you gain from it may fade quickly as you begin to focus on what is to come next. You may also feel like you can't possibly top what you've done so far, but you are likely to continue succeeding if you keep going.

Thoth | Monthly Growth
Question: What do I need to focus on to get myself closer to my current goals?
★ Card One: Theme - Nine of Cups;
Your overall theme this coming month is fulfillment and happiness. Things you have been hoping for can finally come true if you put your energy to good use. You will have a good chance to surpass your current goals.
★ Card Two: Focus - The Hermit;
You should focus your energy this month on yourself. Look deep into what you want, what drives you, and what holds you back. Spend your time studying both yourself and your goals. This is a great time to resolve any inner conflicts you may be feeling, and to learn new ways to achieve your goals. You may need to spend some extra time alone. Devote yourself to your goals this month, it will pay off.
★ Card Three: Growth - Ten of Cups;
It is very likely that this month will be a success for you, but the happiness you gain from it may fade quickly as you begin to focus on what is to come next. You may also feel like you can't possibly top what you've done so far, but you are likely to continue succeeding if you keep going.

Posted in PWYW ★ Tarot Readings ★ Closed for now
Posted 5 years ago
@Saeyra: I'm glad you liked it! You should try out reading them. Some people are naturally really good at it and have no clue until they try!
@Priestess of Pie: Thank you for ordering! c: I'm working on it now.

Posted in PWYW ★ Tarot Readings ★ Closed for now
Posted 5 years ago
@Mention: Saeyra

Deviant Moon | Who Art Thou?
Question: What is something about myself that I don't already know?
★ Card One: Your Mind - Knight of Swords;
The Knight of Swords has a restless mind, often thinking of both offensive and defensive strategies for events that haven't even occurred yet. You may spend a lot of time planning out your actions or overthinking things. You can become defensive when someone doesn't agree with you, but you are good at negotiating and getting others to see your side of things.
★ Card Two: Your Eyes - The Chariot;
There is change all around you, but there is little to fear as the Chariot is good at adapting to new situations. You should remain open to new experiences and make the best of what you have. You have the freedom to make choices and decide where you want to go next in life.
★ Card Three: Your Heart - Six of Cups;
Your heart is focused on past experiences. You can use this to your advantage by remembering past lessons, then use this hindsight to create new strategies. You are willing to learn new things. You may not realize it, but you are ready for a change.
★ Card Four: Your Soul - Five of Wands;
When you do something, you put everything you have into it. You have the ambition and desire to be the best at what you do, but sometimes this can hurt those around you, and even yourself. You may strive for recognition of your achievements, but this can leave others feeling like the loser. It is okay to be proud of your achievements, but make sure you are considering how others feel too.
Thank you for ordering! I hope this is accurate or at least helpful. Some of these cards feel negative at first glance, but there is a lot of good in them too. c:

Deviant Moon | Who Art Thou?
Question: What is something about myself that I don't already know?
★ Card One: Your Mind - Knight of Swords;
The Knight of Swords has a restless mind, often thinking of both offensive and defensive strategies for events that haven't even occurred yet. You may spend a lot of time planning out your actions or overthinking things. You can become defensive when someone doesn't agree with you, but you are good at negotiating and getting others to see your side of things.
★ Card Two: Your Eyes - The Chariot;
There is change all around you, but there is little to fear as the Chariot is good at adapting to new situations. You should remain open to new experiences and make the best of what you have. You have the freedom to make choices and decide where you want to go next in life.
★ Card Three: Your Heart - Six of Cups;
Your heart is focused on past experiences. You can use this to your advantage by remembering past lessons, then use this hindsight to create new strategies. You are willing to learn new things. You may not realize it, but you are ready for a change.
★ Card Four: Your Soul - Five of Wands;
When you do something, you put everything you have into it. You have the ambition and desire to be the best at what you do, but sometimes this can hurt those around you, and even yourself. You may strive for recognition of your achievements, but this can leave others feeling like the loser. It is okay to be proud of your achievements, but make sure you are considering how others feel too.
Thank you for ordering! I hope this is accurate or at least helpful. Some of these cards feel negative at first glance, but there is a lot of good in them too. c:

Posted in PWYW ★ Tarot Readings ★ Closed for now
Posted 5 years ago

Deviant Moon | Help Spread
Question: How can I get motivated again?
★ Card One: Your Situation - The Emperor;
The Emperor is the highest of leadership, and yet sometimes even he struggles within his role. You have the potential to become great at your passions, but you must defeat the doubts that hold you back, and have faith in your abilities. It's also important not to over work yourself.
★ Card Two: The Obstacle - Eight of Coins;
Your work is important to you, but you may delve too deep into it once you get started. You may spend too much time working on small details when the big picture is already amazing as is! This can cause you to lose motivation, or even get burned out completely. You may also spend too much time thinking about working when you could focus your energy elsewhere. Inspiration often comes from experiences, so it's okay to enjoy other things!
★ Card Three: Advice - Ten of Cups;
Reach out to those around you for inspiration. Don't be afraid to ask for help or spark up conversations about your passions. Treating your passion as work only burns you out, but seeing it as something larger can give it new meaning to you. Look for communities or groups that enjoy what you do, and you may find the motivation needed.
I hope this helps! c: If you have any questions let me know, and thank you again for ordering. <3

Deviant Moon | Help Spread
Question: How can I get motivated again?
★ Card One: Your Situation - The Emperor;
The Emperor is the highest of leadership, and yet sometimes even he struggles within his role. You have the potential to become great at your passions, but you must defeat the doubts that hold you back, and have faith in your abilities. It's also important not to over work yourself.
★ Card Two: The Obstacle - Eight of Coins;
Your work is important to you, but you may delve too deep into it once you get started. You may spend too much time working on small details when the big picture is already amazing as is! This can cause you to lose motivation, or even get burned out completely. You may also spend too much time thinking about working when you could focus your energy elsewhere. Inspiration often comes from experiences, so it's okay to enjoy other things!
★ Card Three: Advice - Ten of Cups;
Reach out to those around you for inspiration. Don't be afraid to ask for help or spark up conversations about your passions. Treating your passion as work only burns you out, but seeing it as something larger can give it new meaning to you. Look for communities or groups that enjoy what you do, and you may find the motivation needed.
I hope this helps! c: If you have any questions let me know, and thank you again for ordering. <3

Posted in PWYW ★ Tarot Readings ★ Closed for now
Posted 5 years ago
@Sappho: Thank you for ordering! <3 I'm about to go to bed, but I'll do your reading as soon as I can when I wake up! c:

Posted in Lufi's Little Black Book
Posted 5 years ago
I'm so happy my friend is back. <3 She has been gone for a long time and I really missed her!
Things are looking up right now.

Posted in weird things that scared me when i was little
Posted 5 years ago
I was terrified of Cat in The Hat, the 2d version and the live action version. Actually he's still kind of creepy to me.

Posted in Give LAU your Switch CODES >:0
Posted 5 years ago
I only really play Pokemon Shield right now... until Animal Crossing comes out. :3
Here's my code if you wanna add me anyways. c:

Posted in Well, Hello There!
Posted 5 years ago
Welcome! I give your username a 10 out of 10.