Lufi's posts
Posted in Closed <3 Thank you everyone who asked for a reading!
Posted 5 years ago
Thank you all for requesting a reading! c: I love doing these, even though this deck doesn't like me very much. It is normally very vague. I realized some of the cards probably aren't considered PG-13, so I'm going to censor them.
@Priestess of Pie:

Strengths - Nine of Wands; You have the inner strength to continue on. You may feel a bit lost right now, but you are closer to the exit than you think! You can overcome your challenges and start a new chapter if you work hard.
Weaknesses - Six of Cups; You may reminiscence in the past or wish things were like they used to be. It's important to remember that you can't go back in time, but you can instead use your past as inspiration for the future.
Advice - The Lovers; You may have to make some choices. Use your intuition and once you've made your choice, stick to it. You may need to make some compromises.
Aww your avi is super cute! c: What deck did you choose? There's so many out there that I love!

Mind - Six of Cups; Your mind loves going back in time and exploring your childhood or other times that have passed.
Body - Ace of Swords; If you are working on something, now is the time to complete your goal. You are at your strongest right now, and have the clarity to cut through any nonsense and get straight to work.
Spirit - Nine of Swords; You may have hidden fears or anxiety that is holding you back. This is an opportunity to challenge yourself to try harder. You can achieve bigger goals if you allow yourself to.
@Another Movie Addict:

Situation - Page of Swords; Someone is watching over you or observing your actions closely. Normally they could be friend or foe, but being next to Wheel of Fortune means they are trying to guide you.
Obstacle - Wheel of Fortune; The wheel is spinning, which means changes are happening, possibly faster than you would like. It's important to let any changes happen naturally. Trying to resist will not stop anything, but only make it difficult.
Advice - Two of Swords; You are not in a good place to make any big decisions right now. You don't have enough information to make a well informed choice. You may have conflicting ideas, but it's important not to rush. Don't let others make up your mind for you, but also don't act impulsively.

Posted in Closed <3 Thank you everyone who asked for a reading!
Posted 5 years ago
Going to bed. <3
I'll be back in about 10 hours.

Posted in Trick or Treat event chat an giveaway
Posted 5 years ago
I'm glad to hear that! I'm also on trick. :3

Posted in How many treats/tricks you got?
Posted 5 years ago
I have 100 skulls c:

Posted in Trick or Treat event chat an giveaway
Posted 5 years ago
My RNG luck is terrible so that's pretty cool that we got the same number so quickly! xD

Posted in How many treats/tricks you got?
Posted 5 years ago
I have 94

Posted in Trick or Treat event chat an giveaway
Posted 5 years ago
Happy Reaping! c: I love this event.

Posted in Closed <3 Thank you everyone who asked for a reading!
Posted 5 years ago
@Kozi: Oh yeah I should have said the thread is open! c: I hope this helps.

Situation - Knight of Cups; The knight of cups represents someone who is tired of searching. The knight is back from a long adventure and ready to rest. You may have gotten bad news recently and want peace of mind.
Obstacle - Eight of Wands; You may be in a hurry to overcome your obstacle now, but you must be patient. Don't try to rush this, it's very important that you weigh all of your options and take your time. Use this time to reflect on what is going on and to come up with a plan.
Advice - The High Priestess; Explore ways to connect with your inner self, and give yourself a break. The High Priestess normally represents a spiritual plan, but it could also just be a small daily ritual like drinking coffee every morning or doing something else you enjoy. It's important that you take care of yourself before anything else!

Posted in The Reaping Ritual Gift Exchange
Posted 5 years ago
Let's go Team Trick!

Posted in Closed <3 Thank you everyone who asked for a reading!
Posted 5 years ago
Happy Reaping! I'm offering free daily tarot readings until the event is over. I will be using the Deviant Moon tarot deck. The textures in the deck were created by manipulating photos of cemeteries and an abandoned asylum, so they are extra creepy! If you'd like to get a reading, please use the form below. Feel free to chat or ask questions! c:
- Rules:
- You may request a reading once every 24 hours.
- Pick one spread per reading.
- You may ask one question per reading, if you want. Try to avoid yes or no questions.
- I'll tag you with your reading when it's ready!
- Spreads:
1. Past / Present / Future
2. Strengths / Weaknesses / Advice
3. Mind / Body / Spirit
4. Situation / Obstacle / Advice
5. Need / Want / Fear
- Request Form:
[size=16][b][color=#EC8920]I'd like to ask the cards...[/color][/b][/size]

Posted in League of Legends: Wild Rift
Posted 5 years ago
@Apples: I love the new character models! I mostly play Nami and her new model looks SO much better. I'm a little sad that our unlocks aren't going to carry over. :c There's no way I'm buying any skins I have again, unless they entice me with a huge discount. Hopefully whatever they give long time LoL players as a reward will make up for it.

Posted in Our youngest cat has a bottle cap as toy
Posted 5 years ago
@vengeance: My younger cat is the same way! We bought him all kinds of toys but he prefers to play with bottle caps, paper wads, twist ties, and other garbage. XD

Posted in So my mom went to the dentist...
Posted 5 years ago
@Jockteleg: I worked with this guy for a while that wanted vampire teeth, but he didn't want to pay to get it done professionally so he would buy the Halloween kits and SUPER GLUE them into his mouth. They would stay on for months before he'd have to redo them. After doing it for years, he had a tooth break... but instead of going to the dentist, he just kept gluing over what was left of his tooth...

Posted in Loki and I are home!
Posted 5 years ago
@LordLucre: He is so cute! The stylist did a really good job.