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Posted in ㅇㅅㅇhello, i'm neko! Posted 7 years ago
@neko: I drink it when I am super tired and today just seems to be one of those days haha
Posted in Mandy Posted 7 years ago
@FuuChan: How wonderful, I will definitely be around once its finished, its always nice to have a hangout that tugs at ones heart strings :p thanks for the invite there!
Posted in ㅇㅅㅇhello, i'm neko! Posted 7 years ago
@neko: I am too, I was able to sleep for a bit though and then had my notifications up really loud so I could hear the email haha
Posted in 'Eyo ☆ Posted 7 years ago
Its been a wait but so far it looks like it was totally worth it! Now..if only we had some paper bags to wear so we werent all streaking around the site :p
Posted in Mandy Posted 7 years ago

Really? I will have to go and check it out once its all set up! I am not a huge coffee person but some mornings i just cant live without it haha. I dont know if I can..being naked makes me feel vulnerable D;
Posted in hey hey hey Posted 7 years ago
Welcome to the small but awesome pre family!
Posted in ㅇㅅㅇhello, i'm neko! Posted 7 years ago
Hello Neko, its a pleasure to meet you! I also love cats! how are you?
Posted in 'Eyo ☆ Posted 7 years ago
Hello Katrine and welcome to the family! It looks like were all going to have a lot of fun here, I am super excited this site is finally up!
Posted in Mandy Posted 7 years ago
Hello one and all, My name is Mandy. I am on several avatar sites and websites through the years however my activity has dwindled on those sites in recent years as Ive noticed most of them like Gaia have not quite changed for the better. I am twenty-Eight years old. Yeah yeah I know, old lady here.
I have gone by many names but here, its just Mandy. I live in Canada, work full time and enjoy coming online to unwind from a stressful day at the office sort to speak.

Its wonderful to meet you all fellow Volties! wheres the best coffee around these here parts? xD

P.S I love how aside from hair were all naked right now xD