Mandy Amour's posts
Posted in Wisteria Falls Hangout (GRAND OPENING)
Posted 8 years ago
@wisteria: Oh I am such a morning person I am up even on my days off early early. I feel like if im not up then I am wasting my days off haha.
@Fozzy: Do you want us to come and kidnap you so you can leave early? haha
@Fozzy: Do you want us to come and kidnap you so you can leave early? haha

Posted in New
Posted 8 years ago
Welcome to the Voltra family dear, hope you enjoy your stay!

Posted in ā„¯efined | profiles, graphics, layouts - full! come chat!
Posted 8 years ago
@prodigy: Sam?! Are you the same one from Ernya?!

Posted in Neko's Pixel Dollies
Posted 8 years ago
@Neko: I cant see why anyone wouldn't want to buy them now hun, you did a fantastic job and what better way to get more practice in! :) Im going to do the same for my voodoo doll art eventually on here, use people as Guinea pigs haha

Posted in Almost 4k Posts!
Posted 8 years ago
Hahaha the best part about all of this is that it just shows you how much we all love to talk :p

Posted in Neko's Pixel Dollies
Posted 8 years ago
@neko: OH WOW! ITS SO STINKIN CUTE YOU HAVE NO IDEA! well..I mean you probably do but I just had to say it anyway cause it is, I just adore it and for your first time? you should consider more and even selling them on here :)

Posted in Game of Thrones
Posted 8 years ago
@Raxton: As long as he has his queen beside him I am okay with that! I literally just watched sundays episode AND I have to say i cried when the dragon died, I cried when they brought it back and I was a mess when John snow had his moment with daneris. Something about those two I just love!
I have to say im a little pissy that they took one of her children and now will use it against them. I get its the plot and bad things happen in war but omg..
I have to say im a little pissy that they took one of her children and now will use it against them. I get its the plot and bad things happen in war but omg..

Posted in Lock please
Posted 8 years ago
@Aellotyphoeus: I hear you on that one! I just got off work and now have to make dinner and clean, I want to just sit on here for a few hours and I cant so im a little annoyed, adulting sucks sometimes haha
@Fozzy: Doing great, trying to make more time to be on here but being an adult and adulting means Its hard to do haha. If only we could pick and choose what we got paid to do in a day
@Fozzy: Doing great, trying to make more time to be on here but being an adult and adulting means Its hard to do haha. If only we could pick and choose what we got paid to do in a day

Posted in Wisteria Falls Hangout (GRAND OPENING)
Posted 8 years ago
@wisteria: Oh? So we must be on different time zones lol Im finally home from work and trying to relax, Ive been trying to get on here but I feel like I have a million and one things to do still haha

Posted in Wisteria Falls Hangout (GRAND OPENING)
Posted 8 years ago
@dragoness129: I'm not doing anything either haha I'm actually at work on break right now that's about as exciting as my day is getting..that I know of anyway who knows what the rest of the day may hold xD
I need some coffee bad though lol
I need some coffee bad though lol

Posted in Lock please
Posted 8 years ago
Good evening everyone, how are we all this fine day?

Posted in Why did you pick your username?
Posted 8 years ago
I honestly just picked mine because it's one I've used on other sites and helps old members from other sites remember and find me xD though like many of us I've had so many but this is the most common aside from.cheappornshow and spell xD

Posted in Wisteria Falls Hangout (GRAND OPENING)
Posted 8 years ago
@dragoness129: Hello my dear, how are you this fine day? Anything exciting happening this week?
@spring: Hello Hun, I'm actually just trying to get ready for work but some how I find myself spending more time on here :p what are you up too?
@spring: Hello Hun, I'm actually just trying to get ready for work but some how I find myself spending more time on here :p what are you up too?

Posted in Game of Thrones
Posted 8 years ago
Omg I didn't see any leak? D: what?! I still haven't seen last week's episode I HAVE to watch it tonight... -.-
Who do you guys want to rule the seven kingdoms? I'm all up for John snow and Danaris hooking up as a duo love team haha
Who do you guys want to rule the seven kingdoms? I'm all up for John snow and Danaris hooking up as a duo love team haha