Matcha's posts
Posted in Pillow talk
Posted 6 years ago

How many pillows you sleep with?
Where do you place em?
Any special pillows?
I'm def a "more is better" type of pillow person.
I organize a pile at the head to glomp.
As a side sleeper, I HAVE to have a pillow for the space between my waist/hips. Cannot sleep without one there.
I use a neck pillow...but incorrectly. hard to explain I twist it almost backwards and lurch an arm through lol
A small pillow between my legs too.
SO YEAH I HAVE LOTS OF PILLOWS AND PILLOW ETIQUETTE. can NOT relate to "one pillow for head and I'm good." Xp
Your turn!

Posted 6 years ago

is it ok if we make an avatar in our inventory but dont save it, like just save the image and post that?
is it ok if we make an avatar in our inventory but dont save it, like just save the image and post that?
Also @everyone: feel free to submit more than one entry!

Posted 6 years ago

Winner will get 4 different crates from my inventory- none the same.
Contest is now and until MARCH 13th
-Must contain green in its theme- any of the greens. (Mint IS my favorite but not required.)
-Must be on the side of cute.
-Must match up well, I like cohesive. <----Most important. I don't like messy with random splurts of color that doesn't match.
-you can enter as many times as you want!
Keep trying!
-Not required but bonus points if you can make something work
with one of the Dormouse teapots. Don't force something that doesn't
work though!
I'm basically looking for the avi to embody kawaii matcha tea
Uh, and have fun.
TIP: You'll probably have the most luck combining the green with pinks and or whites.
Wanna join another avatar contest?
Click here to teleport to the undercurrent:

Posted in Chat with Sae
Posted 6 years ago

^I know that feel....hang in there Sae. Let yourself grieve it all out in the highest intensity- and then
get a regimen of self care going. Massage yourself, drink soothing tea, wrap your self tightly in blankets,
enjoy a tasty snack and super engage your senses to attempt to reground yourself.

Posted in Weighted blankets
Posted 6 years ago

A couple years ago I was dog/house sitting for two weeks-they made me a guest bed, and it included a weighted blanket.
Best sleep of my life.
I'm a ball of anxiousness that I try to hide- I also suffer bad fibromyalgia. And yet I had no night flare ups
while using one.
I don't own one despite the wonderful experience- weighted blankets are NOT something you want to cheap
out on if you don't want a bed full of microbeads and unevencoverage. The best one I can find that isn't too crazy
but has good reviews is like $215 on Amazon. I just can't justify dropping a couple hundred on a blanket yet...
even though I know when I get it- I won't regret it. orz

Posted in Gentleman's Dreams [ a writing contest ]
Posted 6 years ago

(Sorry for typo's, I typed this on my phone)
The sky burned pepper red, with the hard glaring blush of dawn.
The fates cast their thread, it was time to work through a yawn.
Yet his comrades were humble not a complaint was said.
They accepted this responsibility, as they sacrificed their warm bed.
Today would not be a long journey.
Their destination required only simple tracking.
They fought through exhaustion stubbornly.
Their answers so close, no time for slacking.
How a bug, rat and capybara could be useful you ask?
Consider it their inherent primal, animal instincts.
trembles of the earth, scents of their foes, easy task.
Following a path and a lead so strong- so distinct.
They pursued the string of information.
Just about ready to compile a formal allegation.
At worst, they feared the underground wasn’t just superstition.
The conspiracy was woven deep, if true might require VK’s abdication.
The potential left this mission personal to Eugene.
Whom worried for Vreg and his brother’s scheme.
Bern and Leo saw a glint in his eye as he, on a hunt left the scene.
They made chase to follow his tail but sighed- he had simply smelt
the irresistible aroma: of cookies ‘n cream.
“Focus, please!” Leo plead.
Worried if they separated there might be blood shed.
Eugene bowed in apology, his stomach always took priority.
Bernard’s wings paneled to a different emotion, sensing another energy.
Under the shade they remained, of a large tree’s canopy.
The sensation reminded them all much of Entropy.
“That’s for the guardians to handle. Be careful, we have our own task at hand.”
They continued hunting their lead, following accumulated logistics.
Coming down a gated alleyway, an outdated poster marked X over a garbage can.
Hesitating to proceed, first they need weigh the chances, odds, and statistics.
Without much provocation, the shutters snapped open and a person masked by darkness hissed in not in threat but contemplation.
“Is it true you can provide us with information?”
The shadowy figure nodded its head “that’s my jurisdiction.”
The voice was distorted by some curious form of magic energy.
Leo thought to himself how that might come in hand, cleverly.
“pay up or piss off.” It hissed and ugh, how Leo abhorred vulgarity.
He had no way to evaluate if this informant was trustworthy.
And he wanted more time to think, stubbornly.
But for the sake of the mission, he proceeded his inquiry.
“What price might it be to learn of the royal family?” the shadow laughed sparing no time.
“That would be a mighty hefty fine.” It cackled. “You’re asking for info about the richest of crime.”
Leo was a capybara whose wallet was not well lined.
The rogue began to close the shutters. “Wait, is there no other means of equal value?”
It was no use, he was ignored and left on a dead end.
They needed to find a way to accrue funds to send.
Bernard’s antennae flicked pointing upward a chain linked fence, a sign was posted.
The color under Eugene might as well been ghosted.
“Bounty Hunters Wanted”
Could three animals combine their talents to collect a dangerous bounty and prize?
Such a mission might risk their view of the next sunrise.
But at stake were far too many lives.
It was natural a job this big would take this turn, no surprise.
How to catch a criminal without combat?
Evidence to police was one thing, but this isn’t that.
Devise a series of traps, make a thug go splat?
This would require backup, something Eugene could supply.
Leo gave respects to Vreg. “Sup Little guy?”
Eugene gave a final snuggle to his best friend, a potential good bye.
A legion of rats would help capture the bounty-dead or alive.
Bernard also wished gear up for the battle ahead.
Valentina slept, and he nuzzled her head.
Grabbing some protection, minimize their bloodshed.
One of the bounty on the list seemed like an obvious choice to make.
“Theft of animals, for fighting and gambling” seen wondering by a lake.
This operation was risky, but one for the people they had to take.
Off they went to capture their prey.
Determination in heart, they would not die this day!
“be brave my friends” seemed the right thing to say.
They sniffed out the scent of other animals, roosters and bully breed dogs.
They wished to free them but they had to wait like logs.
The rat army hid in the nearby swamp and bog.
The trio hid and wait- their target wasn’t here just yet.
but surely he would be, with all these animals to bet.
Their pain could be felt, they would never forget.
The whimpers, growls, scars and cries.
It ripped their hearts – they would see to his demise.
For now they must pace themselves and lay in wait.
once the target arrives they’ll rush him to confront fate.
“Heard the boss has a big haul coming, stole them from the slum.”
These people were despicable, truly blatant scum.
“The battles start tomorrow night”
Not if the trio could help it, they’d put up a fight.
Eventually a large truck appeared, its exhaust choking the air.
they all wheezed, their lungs unable to fair.
But at last, target confirmed, he jumped out from the seat.
Opened the back and howls cried without missing a beat.
“Get the animals inside, got to pick the ones we want to duke it out.”
These men were the lowest forms, chasing dirty money and merciless clout.
Those that don’t make the cut would probably be killed no doubt.
Leo crawled into the nearest empty cage.
Adrenaline running thick, he could age.
but their story wouldn’t end here, always another page.
Unfortunately I’m just about out of 1000 words.
Rather than rush a tale, I’ll sit and count the birds.
Goddamit I can’t even keep a poem short.
Curse you for limiting me, my cohort! (jk ily both bye)

Posted in Request: Gift for little girl
Posted 6 years ago

So next week, one of my god-kid's turns 4 and to go with a gift I bought:
I would like to buy a picture!
-any art style -cutesy tho
Payment: will be in items (RIGS/Crate Items)

Middle picture is desired pose. Left is cat reference(cat needs a purple collar), right is reference of what she looks like.
Post examples/wishlist/etc
Wish I had volts but I just don't post enough here-sorry!
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Posted in Probably not the greatest post
Posted 6 years ago

Oof I relate. I try to peddle positivity on myself and I just cant seem to chew what I'm trying to serve myself. Ive had an intense depressive episode starting in August and have been trying to force myself to do anything to occupy my thoughts away from the very real rationalizations of desiring to cease to exist. It gnaws at me and as a result I'm pushing myself further and further into exhaustion.
I do have people that would listen to me but find myself distrusting of intent when it comes to these things. Not good on my part but its also a mix fear of not wanting to expose and out that darkness onto someone else when they are suffering their own shit-vulnerability is hard and I'm inclined to joke it away while screaming internally. I have SO much shit going on and I haven't told a single person and I just am holding it like a burning ball unsure of what to do with it while it melts my hands. (Imagery ftw)
There's unfortunately no good way to respond to this kind of thing, least not that I've found. I can only assert that I empathize with the challenge. Anti depressants are a no go for me as a majority are potentionally deadly when mixed with my narcolepsy medicine. Orz.
Have you found anything successfully occupies you? At least temporarily?

Posted in Your workout playlist
Posted 6 years ago

Mostly nightcored songs because I'm a pitiful weeb.

Posted in Matcha Mind
Posted 6 years ago

My heat stopped working a few hours ago- tried trouble shooting but it seems like it's a wire problem within the actual furnace and no one can come here until Monday unless we pay a $300 emergency fee.
Our car starter broke last week. That was $400
My main computer has barely held in and needs to be replaced. (I mean, its quite old anyway. But still, computers ain't cheap.) Never wanted a mac, got it on sale. This all in one thing is bad for modifying. Gotta just replacce the whole thang.
Josh needs his wisdom teeth extracted like...years ago he keeps putting it off due to lack of time (cant take a week off when you're a business owner)
My elbow needs minor surgery so it stops dislocating.
Oi ve kill me.

Posted in Matcha Mind
Posted 6 years ago

....Im sick today. I thought I looked like shit as a result. But the third person today complimented me on my makeup.
Im not wearing make up.
My lips are chapped and my nose is red.
I'm Rudolph the chapped lipped bastard how the heck am I being perceived as pretty. /dead

Posted in Matcha Mind
Posted 6 years ago

Why do massive company layoffs have to be done in such a shitty way? "Hey we're having layoffs but wont tell you who until next week" *makes employees emotionally suffer the whole week with decimated morale.*
Okay 200 of ya. Pack up. Go. Bye.
Why cant it AT LEAST be like:
*calls people into room*
"In two weeks you guys in this room specifically will be laid off. You can stay, work and be paid for this duration or you can quit at any time. Giving you a heads up so you can know for sure and prepare the best you can. Sorry for this. Thanks for your hard work."
(Friend going through this and I feel bad)

Posted in Matcha Mind
Posted 6 years ago

It'd be helpful to my profession if when purchasing tracking on items shipped out- we could NAME them.
For example,
I am shipping ridiculous paperwork to an insurance company- we have about 7 patients with that insurance.
This company likes to pretend they didn't get our mail- (they don't have a fax it all has to be physically sent in.)
so if I send 7 patients in one envelope they'll just pick and choose which ones they want to acknowledge.
And sending them separately (tried) is no good even with tracking, because I can't title the tracking.
If I could title it: "Costano 2018" "Okyere 2018" "Sullivan 2019" and get individual confirmations of delivery- I could be like "ah-HA!"
but alas, I cannot. and we have a cycle I'm sick of.

Posted in Matcha Mind
Posted 6 years ago

I hate how most places can't text 911. In situations you have to be quiet- and fast even.
Remain calm- when so many people get phone anxiety. Why hasn't this become mainstream yet????
(INB4: I can text 911 wat you talking about: A lot of places can't. orz)