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@Unicorn: thanks! I try not to double post but sometimes I don't get the notification if someone posted or not makes me nervous

thank you both!! I think it works pretty well, not too large but still connects the avi
I have like 1 pair of jeans for going out and like 3 pairs of yoga pants for lounging LOL
*feels dressed*
@dragoness129: my only pants are ripped pants!!
LOL I feel like I need to nerd it up with pants :vanora_glasses: :vanora_heart:
You both have pants on!! :vanora_xd:
got totally distracted. I really need to find some pants (for my avi)
go eat @Panda!!!

I think it's the eyes and they're so close to the smile they look even bigger and cuter
@Panda: LOL whoops! :vanora_sweat:
@star2000shadow: I kinda found it by accident LOL I don't have a ton of items and I threw it on and was like "neat!"
@Boss Rimi: I like it! plus you can always play with it if you want and revert which is pretty awesome
that was a lot of tickets. glad I read the first page even though I missed some
@Panda: Thanks Panda!!