Millet's posts
Posted in Post your positives
Posted 6 years ago
I purchased a cute planner to hopefully help my memory.
I'm very forgetful and quite aloof (underslept, high stress, bleh) but
this should make things a bit easier!
Posted in Browsing Zillow
Posted 6 years ago
@runner available: I think it's unfortunately just how ours was built. The walls are very thin and the houses built in this area were put up quite fast. So I dont think all duplexes are bad like mine but I'd def inquire for more details in that regard for sure.
Posted in Frizz's Item Design Contest!
Posted 6 years ago
LOVE IT, uncledaddy xD
Posted in Browsing Zillow
Posted 6 years ago
I for sure fantasize on Zillow among other places.
Currently a home owner but the house is...not great. Lots of bad decisions made with this one. lol
1) It's a duplex, so it's quite small. Which isn't a big deal as it's only my fiance and I anyway but
wouldn't be optimal if we were to want to raise a family.
2) The other half of the duplex is owned by his parents. Which from the start I thought was a bad
idea to be wall to wall with family, but everyone talked me into it being a great idea and not to be a sore sport.
I was right. It's kinda miserable. Love them, sweet people! Close proximity no thank youuuuuu.
They are LOUD. They are ALWAYS screaming at eachother. I don't think they even love each other anymore and just sticklers for tradition at the cost of their own happiness. We are on entirely different schedules so they constantly wake us up. That and their dogs are very poorly trained, and they never walk their dogs. Just let them out side and shit in both of our yards without picking it up. The dogs will bark for half an hour every time a car drives by- including if we pull up home. ITS A NOISY NIGHTMARE lol
3) There's no stores within 20 minutes of us and commuting has been a pain I didn't anticipate would bug me this much to literally anywhere. It's an hour drive to work and an hour drive back home. orz
4) It's built so weird and I didn't realize it when first looking around. Like one night hte battery in our smoke detector was beeping off because it was dying but the smoke detector was on one of our high ceilings...that requires a giant ass ladder (like 20 feet) to get. We didnt own one and the stores near by didn't sell one so we had to wait three days for a expensive ass ladder to be delivered so we could change the battery. xD there's LOTS of weird little building choices like this throughout the house that don't make much sense and are challenging to work around. xD
Dream house, dream location won't ever happen RIP:,fsbo_lt/house,condo,apartment_duplex,mobile,land_type/2086639562_zpid/4-_beds/1.5-_baths/1000-_size/Garage_att/pricea_sort/42.390121,-71.65472,42.167093,-71.88818_rect/11_zm/0_mmm/
and just for fun- the impossible millionaire only one:,fsbo_lt/house,condo,apartment_duplex,mobile,land_type/56744098_zpid/58448_rid/4-_beds/1.5-_baths/1000-_size/Garage_att/pricea_sort/42.340084,-71.771021,42.22858,-71.887751_rect/12_zm/0_mmm/
(well first house isn't 'dream' location, but ideal location for work. I have high hopes to move to Canada someday.)
Posted in Post your Rants
Posted 6 years ago
I'm happy people have things to be passionate
About and all butttt I hate the super bowl because of the amount of insane SCREAMING that occurs.
I literally only scream and shout over life altering things and it senda my nervous system into some kinda painful shock when I hear sudden loud noises.
Last year our neighbor ran outside when patriots lost and kicked down his own mailbox.
I don't fucking get it.
Dreading going home right now to my fiancee family deciding our home was the place to watch the super bowl this year.
This is the rare occasion I wish I had a friend that lived near by so I could just hide there until it's over.
Life is so noisy I hate being like this. Orz
Posted in Notice: February Crates Delayed [Updated]
Posted 6 years ago
Such a supportive response, you guys are the best!
Posted in Voltra Minecraft Realm - Temporarily Closed
Posted 6 years ago
Feed the beast and its mods have always been my favorite. Forget the one we recently played...back in the day Thomcraft (so?) Was my favorite mod set.
And query' s and such is awesome but ya not worth investing the and energy into all those things with such a small group of people who usually are t on at the same time anyway.
If voltra got big and this desire got big sure! Until then vanilla it issss
Posted in Voltra Minecraft Realm - Temporarily Closed
Posted 6 years ago
This is a bump to update that Bioshock has been added and we still have openings ;)
Lots of fun so far!
Posted in I shouldn't have deleted my questions but anyway here's people's oc info
Posted 6 years ago
I "see them" and I don't think I'm capable of not doing that even without context for the background my mind forces one and it simply morphs as more details come to be.
I'm like this with most things honestly- even when having conversations even tho I'm staring at you, I'm more likely visualizing what I am talking about rather than noticing any body language and such orz.
I'm kinda trapped in my head.
Posted in I can't stop replaying this
Posted 6 years ago
Posted in Can't Catch a Dang Break!
Posted 6 years ago
Oof. And in this weather no less to add to all the complications. I presume any maintenance you call would be paid for by someone else at the very least.
Id say call out and try to catch your sleep after handling the scenario but your job sounds like it might be too toxic in nature to toletate real human problems empathetically, eh?
Posted in Fruits and Vegetables
Posted 6 years ago
Not a fan of summer squash.
Zucchini I'll eat but feels like an inferior cucumber.
Dragon fruit is pretty uneventful and non desirable to me. XD
Posted in Post your Rants
Posted 6 years ago
It's just how the world is I guess.
I see a man I used to work side by side with received another city wide award for excellence with students.
When I first heard I was working with him a couple years ago I was like 'Oh, that guy! NIce! Cool!' he had so
many awards for his efforts in charities, education, and student rights. I was genuinely looking forward to it.
Fast forward to me giving my notice to the school I worked at, I couldn't believe what a monster he was.
Infront of me and my coworker he dragged a non english speaking 6 year old girl by the wrist crying infront of
an entire cafeteria of students. She was crying because she wanted to do her homework.
She didn't *understand* the shools illogical policy that before any after school program starts- you have to try
and finish as many math sheets as possible for 45 minutes.
It was a random, unnecessary, illogical policy and one a student who doesn't speak English especially didn't understand.
Why did this big fat scary man just snap her book shut infront of her? Why was he yelling at her? Why did he want her to do
random math sheets that counted for nothing instead of her English Second Language Homework?
He was a volatile, over sensitie, narcissistic jerk. who harassed and picked on many students, while overly favoring others.
Giving them rewards for little to no reason and isolating those he deemed unworthy. Our kids were no older than 11, and most were around 6-7.
When my coworker and I reported him for abuse, he retaliated hard.
ANd who won?
He did.
He won.
Because he was two decades older.
Been on TV so many times.
Numerous awards for excellence.
And we weren't even close to his status.
He got a gentle slap on the wrist- and we got emotional games and torment
for weeks because he could get away with it. He could claim we were being too sensitive.
When it was obvious what he was doing.
This guy could sweat passive aggressive energy I swear.
And the students only became further confused.
As their ideas of boundaries, rights, blurred thanks to him and seeing us left no choice to leave.
I tried filing paperwork to the highest of higher ups. That was clearly tossed into the nearest trashcan.
The one lady who supported us wasn't high enough up on the food chain to make any waves.
Seeing his smiling face on a news network talking about children and their needs makes me sick. :/
Just another narcissist, who is successfully fake. Kids are lucrative when no one believes them. Disgusting.
And nothing I did helped. Except hopefully a few kids will remember an adult defended them and I hope at the very
least they remember that so that they can at least know to themselves what happened- wasn't ok. And shouldn't be tolerated.
Who knows. Makes me sick. Wish someone could just dethrone him hard but don't we all wish that...
Posted in Millet can will-it! (eventually :P )
Posted 6 years ago
/ponders questing bird memes/