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Posted in Sae la Vie Gallery and Store [FULL] Posted 6 years ago

@Saeyra: No no dont be sorry lol, I forgot to ping and I wasn't sure if editing it in would actually work. I'm glad you like it ^^ Slowly trying to work on improving, and I think today I finally got a face structure down. Avoiding bodies for now >>

Posted in Sae la Vie Gallery and Store [FULL] Posted 6 years ago

@Saeyra: Just realized i never pinged you so no clue if this will work lol
So...this isn't good or anything xD BUT, Here you go ^^;;

Posted in Sae la Vie Gallery and Store [FULL] Posted 6 years ago

@Saeyra: Haha, I dont blame ya. Being sick really sucks, and of all days your birthday. What the heck is up with that?
Oh, congrats!! My birthday is actually this month too. The 25th. Gonna be turning the big 3-0. Send help >>

Posted in Sae la Vie Gallery and Store [FULL] Posted 6 years ago

@Saeyra: Aren't they?! xD With that pose, its hard to find a decent looking skirt that will layer over it. Second I seen this, just had to do it lol.
OH?! Its your birthday?! OMG Happy birthday!! ^^ Super sorry that you're sick though :( Usually when I have chills and stuff like that, taking a long hot shower tends to help. Maybe that will ease some of it?

Posted in Sae la Vie Gallery and Store [FULL] Posted 6 years ago

@Saeyra: Life is being pretty decent on this end. How about you? And (late) Happy New Years to you too! Trying so hard to get back into the habit of posting but not exactly sure where to start honestly lol

Posted in Sae la Vie Gallery and Store [FULL] Posted 6 years ago

@Saeyra: Pft. Girl, dont you even xD You have amazing skill and talent. I love how you do your art. You did far better than I could have ever imagined. And don't worry about how long it took. It was well worth the wait and I know life and all that happens. <3 *hugs* Awh. I feel the same way about you ^^ Hard to believe how long the site has been up already, so its nice to be able to come online and see people who have been here just as long.

Posted in Sae la Vie Gallery and Store [FULL] Posted 6 years ago

@Saeyra: Oh My breath just vanished. You did more than 'okay'! That is so amazing. Its going as my desktop background right now. Seriously, I can't thank you enough. Honestly, with all of my heart, thank you so so so much <3 <3 I'm so mind blown right now lol

Posted in Pine Trees and Shooting Stars Posted 6 years ago

@Dowan: HEY!! *hugs* ^^
Yeah, trying to get back into the posting spirit lol. How've you been?? <3

Posted in Pine Trees and Shooting Stars Posted 6 years ago

@star2000shadow: Yeah, I seen you were having issues with that. Glad your roommate was able to help ^^
By the way, your avatar is super adorable. I just wanna hug the heck out of it.

Posted in Pine Trees and Shooting Stars Posted 6 years ago

@star2000shadow: Aww. Yeah, its cold here too. Snuggling up in the blankets in bed when its cold is so comfy and relaxing ^^ *pats head*

Posted in Pine Trees and Shooting Stars Posted 6 years ago

Hi there, Star. Just wake up or just sleepy?

Posted in Pine Trees and Shooting Stars Posted 6 years ago

@Dipper: There is going to be a winter event on top of this one? Holy cow. You guys are working like crazy.
You know I will xD Dowan still on site?

@Dread Pirate: Do you have anything other than spiders that I can wish upon? >>;
Used to drive a Toyota Camry. Still in the drive way, but needs quite a bit of work done on it. But Toyota in general seems good. I can't remember where you're at, but do you have to worry about snow?

Posted in Pine Trees and Shooting Stars Posted 6 years ago

@Dipper: I think I read all December long, but too lazy to go and find it so not 100% on that xD
Honestly, I'm kind of afraid to post in too many places right now. Feels awkward like "hey guys been gone for forever, but I'm back again!" lol