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Posted in Tell me an interesting fact about yourself Posted 4 years ago
@Genuine Fake: oh well she could call herself lucky than xD i got an episiotomy and after i got home it ripped open complete, i didnt may stand, sit or walk for over two weeks and my midwife was there every single day.... long walks where save again after 7 weeks xDD i just nursed my baby and cuddled her every other thing my BF needet to do... it was hell
Posted in Star is Home from Hospital Posted 4 years ago
@star2000shadow: oh lord but you got Lucky and will heal soon :) but iam Sorry that happened to you i can imagine thats pretty traumatic to Deal with an life threatening disease like an sepsis
Posted in Star is Home from Hospital Posted 4 years ago
@star2000shadow: oh gosh a sepsis is dangerous!!! Did you hat a injury on the leg?
Posted in Star is Home from Hospital Posted 4 years ago
@star2000shadow: oh no what happened? But good to See youre save at Home again :))
Posted in Tell me an interesting fact about yourself Posted 4 years ago
@Genuine Fake: awww how nice she had a good labour! Mine was problematic xD Corona also makes the work from midwifes complicated i hope she has a good after labour treatment! And soreness is okay in some weeks her vag will be much better ;)
Posted in favorite smilies? Posted 4 years ago
my alround faves are

but i also need to say i rareley use emojis on here i just use frizz for emotions i love frizz
Posted in Tell me an interesting fact about yourself Posted 4 years ago
@Genuine Fake: yeah i really can understand your feelings! i worked at a daycare and i just love kids but also was scared to be a mother long time! and well i cant say that the labor was very nice xD but this painful nasty thing called labor is just natural and you can just hope you have nice nurses and doctors with you =)
if it happens it happens i need to say i was so scared after the positive test i just cried like 2 days

Posted in Tell me an interesting fact about yourself Posted 4 years ago
@Genuine Fake: take youre Time till you really want it :) maybe the baby of your sister Change your mind... babies Change a Lot things xD thank you dear i Love my Job ist the best and most rewardibg Job to raise a Child im 28 now and i wanted to be a mom my body was just ready even with the pill xD

Okay but tell me if you saw items you like ^_^
Posted in Tell me an interesting fact about yourself Posted 4 years ago
@Genuine Fake: yes because if my body would keep her antibodys its really possible that it always would fight a second Child.... so i never could get healthy babies again. Hehe i Love caedon but this site is so buggy i anwsered you but my answer never get through *Rolls eyes*
Are there items you really want on here? I could maybe so a starter gift
Posted in Tell me an interesting fact about yourself Posted 4 years ago
@Genuine Fake: aw well Hey there rayna nice to see you here :) yeah it was fun directly after birth i need tp get vaccines with Antibodys xD
You want to explore more sites dear? :)
Posted in Tell me an interesting fact about yourself Posted 4 years ago
@Genuine Fake: Oh and welcome to voltra dear :)
Posted in Tell me an interesting fact about yourself Posted 4 years ago
My bloodtype is negativ and my babys bloodtype is positive the Chance is less than 5% that that could happen ;) i love bloodtypes
Posted in Sweet baby jesus dont do this Posted 4 years ago
sounds disgusting o0
Posted in Inventory blowout!!! Posted 4 years ago
@Lilykin: youre welcome and thank you =))