Natsumi's profile
My name is Kat, 22 years of age, most call me Natsumi or Nats, call me what sits best with you? I am from Texas born and raised but I have lived in Minnesota and Arizona, both a little over a year. I am very shy, nervous most of the time and not very good at wording things. Though I am also very kind hearted and tend to put others above myself a majority of the time. My PSN Is Natsumi_Wyndruner and my LoL summoner name is Nymra if anyone ever wants to play something with me. I don't tend to Voice very much unless I know you though, and I prefer not doing PvP (unless aram) in league.That's pretty much it? Just a shy nervous fluff ball who stuffs face with multi-grain crackers 24/7
Hello :D
Hi there Natsumi!