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neko says;
@Taemins Lover: Oh, that's cool! Do you have a favorite mammal you like studying?
neko says;
@paranoia: Yeahhh, I would rest if I were you. xD
@Taemins lover: Oh, whats that? o:
neko says;
@Paranoia: I'm alright, thank you for asking? Any plans today? o:
@taemins lover: Oh, what subject? :)
neko says;
So, how is everyone doing? :3
neko says;
You're right! I know Fozzy is in Chicago I think? We're in the same time zone. ouo
I want a turkey pet named Gravy. That'd be cute~
neko says;
I don't think they'll have an event for Thanksgiving, since it's only an American holiday, and they already did an autumn themed event. o: I could be wrong tho.
neko says;
@KimmiChan1989: I can only afford one crate right now, hopefully they are cuuuuuuute.
neko says;
We'll get used to it soon! :3

... Until the Christmas event. xD;
Posted in The Ohm Emporium || S> April CIs, Buying lots! Posted 7 years ago
neko says;
@Reanna: Can I reserve 500 ohms please? I'm low on volts right now, so I need to get to posting!
neko says;
@KimmiChan1989: Hey there, cutie butt. How are you doing?
neko says;
If you could eat your favorite food every day, would you?

I think I would. My favorite food is sesame chicken (non-authentic Americanized Chinese food ftw), and I literally have CRAVINGS for it. I could totally eat it everyday. Nommy.
neko says;
No lie, with the last events so close together, it's kinda weird to see Panda's thread actually in the Charity forum. xD
neko says;
@Panda: , your avi's face is so scary! T v T ;;
Posted in Neko's Pixel Dollies Posted 7 years ago
neko says;
Made my friend's priest on Tera.
I learned that I really despise pixeling flowers. :P

(fyi this was rushed)