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Neko nyan?

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[IU] Twenty Three


hello there! i'm n e k o

25 | taken | anime princess?

feel free to call me neko, or my real name dani.
i'm in a happy relationship, have 3 dogs and 2 cats, and i still don't like peas.
i'm a lover of video games, animals, and cute stuff!


  • Kiri Kiri (6 years ago)

    I love your avatar c:

  • skettiyeti skettiyeti (6 years ago)

    Hi! How did you get the sea witch hair to layer under the base like that?

  • Shark Shark (7 years ago)

    look at this cute skitty i saw

  • FUZZY FUZZY (7 years ago)

    Glad your alright. I am ok, thank you for asking

  • FUZZY FUZZY (7 years ago)

    Glad to hear that you are doing alright, I am okay trying to get my hand to stop shaking. I shaved my guys head

  • FUZZY FUZZY (7 years ago)

    Awe thank you, how are you doing?


cats, anime, snow, k-pop, snuggly blankets


crowds, storms, stressful situations, beans


MMOs, reading, and being a lazy cat of course
