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But it's a dragon ghost. o: Do you still spit fire?
Don't hide. T_T Dragon I miss your cuddleeeees.
Mdom! Youre speaking my language. :D
Baking is hard, so you need to get eggsact measurements.
(ok im really done now xD)
Do not underestimate my pun powers. xD
Okay, I'll stop with the egg....yolks
@Valentina: Come to this thread, it's quite eggciting.
Thanks, I like to keep it .... uneggspected.
I don't either. xD I think it's just meringue and flour and butter for the batter?
I used to watch videos on how to make them but it's been a long time.
If I had a standing mixer I'd try to make some o:
this emoji is eggceptional
I hope I can try one soon ^ ^
:P Next sticky in feedback: Emoji ideas.
I've never had a maracon