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Posted in Shark's Quest! Posted 7 years ago
@Shark: RIP I don't have spares of the stuff you're questing or I'd give it to you. :c Good luck.
Mdom- ;v; I try to be. hehe.
Dragoness- I believe that with all the bad going on in the real world, avatar sites are a nice place to escape. And if I can give to those who need stuff, it works out. :D
@Zach: Albino?! Okay, maybe I will PM you about it. >.>
Dragoness- I wanna be niceeeee. Good fortune and all. ouo

@Kaderin Triste: Of course, no problem!
@Kaderin Triste: Going to donate to your quest as well, please accept my request. :3
I have a shiny Dhelmise on Pokemon Moon. ouo
Dragoness, I believe in you!
Posted in closed --- Posted 7 years ago
@Peony: You're on mobile, aren't you? you're keeping up extremely well! patpat
Dragoness- I'm trying to avoid going to the doctor. If I'm still sick say Thursday or so, I'll try to get an appointment.

Peony- I only play on Showdown and the actual handheld games. Oh, and PTCGO.
@Zach: Pokefarm? o: Wazzat?

Dragoness- Virtual hugging never hurt nobody. D:<
Dragoness - Be careful though, I have a sore throat. :x

@mdom: I hope you enjoy them~
@Totalanimefan: I don't doubt it! ; A ;

Dragoness: Yesss all the hugs =3=
@mdom: I meant your quest. xD; I'm sick ok
@mdom: Hey you! Check your trades. :3 Donated to your Charity.
Dragoness - I'm gonna get sick it's going so fast, lol!
Posted in closed --- Posted 7 years ago
@Peony: Panda's charity? Yeah it's always super fast. @ v @ I have a hard time keeping up!