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Posted in closed --- Posted 8 years ago
Added a new pixel doll type!
@Lunakiri: I'm much better at pixelling than drawing. ;;
@Dread pirate: I'm alright, how are you doing? 368
@Lunakiri: i still love it ok
reference other pixel artists you love thats what i do 364
@Lunakiri: AW SHE IS SO CUTE
you pixel a lot faster than i do xD
@Totalanimefan: Night night!
@Nalight: Yeah, I agree
@Dread Pirate: hey! 363
@Totalanimefan: So are you just getting up or pulling an all nighter lol 360
@Totalanimefan: I usually wake up at about 9 to 11 lol
It's 1:30 am here
@Nalight: you'd have to put some yellow in your avi though. ouo
@Totalanimefan: That's pretty much my life every night. xD I dont sleep nearly as much as I should. 354
@Totalanimefan: I'm doing alright, what's good with you? 353
@Nalight: I want white socks that have the stripes of whatever color you pick. @ v @ So cute.

@Totalanimefan: Hi dere! 352
@Lunakiri: But I wants to see it nao
@Lunakiri: SHOW ME. I must see it /twitches
@Yokuutsu: Thank you, I appreciate it!

@Nalight: I understand, it's hard to make nice avatars when there aren't more items. Kinda wish they would have made more commons before release tbh
@Nalight: Spend your money on my pixels. o;

@Vig: I mean, V's a pretty cool name.... 344