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Each colour, brings a smile to my face~
@Koah: as it seems I don't have it anymore ;-;
I've looked everywhere in my storage an inventory and I must have forgotten to remove it from my listings ;-; I'm sorry


Each colour, brings a smile to my face~
@Shy: ty!


Each colour, brings a smile to my face~
@Hadsvich: good news I added the wind rider to the trade
bad news: I looked everywhere; I swear I must be blind, but I couldn't find that extra animal hat I had

@NixieFae: Trade has been filled and sent

@Shy: that's the correct item :)


Each colour, brings a smile to my face~

This ping is both of you:
If you still want these items send me a trade at your earliest convenience


Each colour, brings a smile to my face~
it will be a career vs a job.
I work in retail rn and I don't like dealing with these assholes at my work


Each colour, brings a smile to my face~
@Totalanimefan: work in IT mostly.

@Koah: You're offer is perfect :)


Each colour, brings a smile to my face~
@Totalanimefan: Mainframe and Programing
it's crazy but intersting

@Koah: sorry for this late reply, life took a turn I didn't want and now have to deal with because of bullsh*t I ran into
did you still want the item?

@NixieFae: it's still available if you want it


Each colour, brings a smile to my face~
@Fizzgig: anytime~
stay warm and stay safe out there

@Totalanimefan: I could but that would eat into my class and homework time


Each colour, brings a smile to my face~
@Fizzgig: I understand the work pains, no worries
Enjoi the items and stay safe out there~

@Totalanimefan: a few friends helped with food funds at least and I'm thankful for them helping me


Each colour, brings a smile to my face~
@Totalanimefan: I can't ask them for help.
and I wouldn't have much ability to do side work with my schedule :(


Each colour, brings a smile to my face~
@Totalanimefan: they really aren't and it's hard to catch up when you don't get many hours


Each colour, brings a smile to my face~
@Fizzgig: were you after both queen of pentacles?


Each colour, brings a smile to my face~
@Kent: :) anytime!

@Totalanimefan: I'm feeling a little better tbbh
just dealing with backed up bills because I was sick with that lame mess


Each colour, brings a smile to my face~
@Kent: you can have my last one lol
send a trade when you're next available :>

@Totalanimefan: thanks for the reassurance on the ohm conversion ;o;!
Congrats on passing! :D

@Fizzgig: sure I can accept that :)
sounds like a good deal to me :O
send a trade when you're next available