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@Totalanimefan: just gotta wait and see. I didn't see the silhouettes that's normally on the sites discord
Posted in NOTICE: Summer '21 Plasma Orbs Delayed Release Posted 4 years ago
Take your time, needn't rush a surprise which makes it a good surprise too -lol-
we'll be awaiting the goodness to come (9 * *)9
@Totalanimefan: That's true
They are having that soon. I did see the announcement it was delayed a bit which is fine by me lol
gives me time x'D
@Totalanimefan: I wish I was lucky to get one but I got 2 draconic dreams out of the crates. ;3;
@Totalanimefan: idk I only saw many offering ohms only and last I saw someone bought Cancer ;3;
@Totalanimefan: Silent night and Cancer
I can't find anyone selling what I'm looking for
@Totalanimefan: I didn't have one in my inventory sadly. Had to go buy it x:

Also what made me sad yesterday was that someone was selling the items I wanted but I didn't have any ohms for since I don't always buy ohms.
@Totalanimefan: O_O Whhha where does one get one of those?!

EDIT: I found it!
@Totalanimefan: true true
Question, since I can't seem to find where it's from: What is that tori gate item I see people using a lot? You used it once yourself with your Kagome outfit you had on once.
@Totalanimefan: Imma try looking deeper to see
but it seems some people who do have items to sell aren't as active
@Totalanimefan: I'll make one soon. I want to get some of these other items out of the way which I haven't seen anyone selling or I'm just blind lol
@Totalanimefan: it's ok for now. I apparently will be converted from a seasonal soon.
and I'm glad they are going to newbies :)
I had planned on just giving them away to those who asked for them. I might do the same to the crate items I got multiples of recently too
@Totalanimefan: for amazon only 2 weeks, I've worked for Sears Stock room years ago and it feels slightly the same and was for 2 years

I'll add the to the trade lol
@Totalanimefan: it's hell if ya ask me but I have to deal with it tbbh. People are just rather... dumb in that aspect when they don't think that them ordering slightly useless shit when they can happily get in their car, drive to a store near by, and buy the same shit for a cheaper price.

Also, you can have all of those for that one hair xD if you want lol. I'm giving them away