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    7.25 is a fucking joke i can't believe it's that low i'm sorry y'all

    cost of living going up
    wages staying the same

    RIP y'all

    we were supposed to get a min wage increase to $15 an hour but the fuckin conservatives came to power and froze it at $14

    honestly we should just get universal basic income

    i need me a safety net goddamn

    america out there with no healthcare, still using imperial units...

    i forgot i have a toyhouse acc goes to look at it again

    honestly fuck capitalism
    covid just showed what a joke it is

    yea i live at home no rent woo

    but i have a mortgage boo

    wait no
    my coworker says her condo is like 4k/mo for 2br

    that's fuckin crazy

    rent here in the city is like at least 1k if not 2k (canadian)

    i wanna try italian grandmama's sauce

    lol tfw there are more empty homes than they are homeless

    what the fck that is so cheap!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    i have seamlessly transitioned to my personal laptop FUCK WORK FOR THE DAY

    how much is rent there? :o