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@Shiro: Now I just give people attitude if they aren’t trying to be nice. I’m not here to kiss people asses lol, they should be glad I’m assisting them. Now people don’t even try to be mean to me anymore because I let them know not to mess with my mood lmao
@pixiebuns: same haha, I haven’t been posting that much since I have been working even more.
@Alia Starchild: are you still renting the place with your roommate? If I remember correctly...
@pixiebuns: I’m trying so hard before I give up on posting so much lmao :0 I’m already burning down.
@Shiro: I’m good at my job, but some days I can’t stand customers at all. Like people ask so many dumb questions. Like a price would be in front of the item nice and bold, but they still ask how much.
@pixiebuns: Let me be the first to hit 10k and I will be so happy, and I will let people take over my crown. :(

@Alia Starchild: That’s why I asked if you are working now lmao :p
@pixiebuns: her ass better not!!
I need to get to 10k first!
@Shiro: I’m already working 6 days a week. In order to get a lot of hours I have to work that much. Once I’m assistant, I don’t have to work 6 days to get that much will be so much better.

@Alia Starchild: last time we were “talking”, you weren’t working yet and you wanted a job!!! :0 I’m so happy for you, that mean you can buy purdy donation items.
@Alia Starchild: you ignored my question again lol
@Shiro: That’s good. I am up for assistant next year, right now I’m just doing stuff under/for manager. They will put me into training next year. I wish my manager get promoted or quit lmao, I will get the store. Haha
@Shiro: oh no! I have to open everyday next week, since the manager is going on vacation. :3 at least I get to get off early.
Posted in [S] Natm [B] Ohms / Samurai Posted 7 years ago
I know urggg, I need my break!
@Shiro: nice to have you in here! Where’s Lance?
I already know how you are on Saph! You are gonna take over with the posting!!! You never answered ma question lol...did you start working yet?
@pixiebuns: you already know Alia or something ? Lol