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Awww, an angel hiding behind a devil avatar.
@Lunakiri: everyone is broke and the site is still too new haha you are too generous! You already have two people volts.
@Lunakiri: You just made a random girl ? Lol
@Lunakiri: never knew this before and I used to check art on there years ago. That’s cool and 80 for $1 is kinda random lol. They should just do 100 for $1. I hate numbers lol
@Lunakiri: wahhh they have DA points ? I didn’t know this at all! Sorry I’m distracted by a movie.
@Lunakiri: yeah, that’s true and omfg that’s so freakin cute!!! Omg I want :0
@Lunakiri: Yeah, seems like everyone is busy with their life like me.
Sure, I always like seeing your awesome art works.
Posted in feel free to lock, I'm leaving k thx bye Posted 7 years ago
I would save all my volts for rare first, then sell them when they are more expensive. :D
That way you will be able to get all the common items you want in the future.
Posted in feel free to lock, I'm leaving k thx bye Posted 7 years ago
Girl, you are questing all the common items!
Posted in Shiro's Quest [open!] Posted 7 years ago
Good luck with your quest :D
Posted in i say quest, you say--! Posted 7 years ago
Wait, are you guys the same person? XD
@Lunakiri: Lucky you are in here by yourself XD
@Lunakiri: My last post XD
Why aren't you quoting the ticket? D: