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I am making a petition thread. :D Watch out!
We should make a petition for easier trading system D:
@Lunakiri: I wish we have a trading system that you can just accept right away.
Whenever I sneeze, I get hiccups. T.T
@okios: Yeah, trade on here is a pain in the butt T.T

This is a good time to post some raffle tickets!
@Unicorn: I'm pretty tired. I have to wake up early tomorrow to open.

@Boss Rimi: lmao, that's too funny XD

@Lunakiri: What are you up to?
We need to reach page 1,500 tonight. XD
@Boss Rimi: I have a friend who burp so loud omg! She would shake the whole building when I was in Beauty School.
Something is wrong with her stomach, so she can burp all day long.
I can't reply to everyone T>T too much mentions D: Sorry
@okios: My invo is actually poor lol my mule is rich XD
@Boss Rimi: I can't burp to save my life XD
@mdom: Awww *glomps*
@Boss Rimi: OMG XD You just burped! I can't...
Haha, glad you like it.

@Shark: I'm sure they will sell, probably not a lot, but they will :D