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@Nalight: Yeah, you have been around XD

@Boss Rimi: It's in their nature, I don't think he's a bad person.
Men wants sex, it's can't really blame him. </3
If he understands where you are coming from, he will wait it out.
Your situation and his...sounds like my ex-bestfriend....I had to stop talking to him....
I had so much feelings for him, but he just wants to have sex with me only and I never
gave it to him, so he slept with my ex-bestfriend. Both of them were my best friends.
@Unicorn: How are you liking the site so far?
@Boss Rimi: Aww, that's pretty awkward. I feel like I am Asexual when I'm talking to a guy, I don't look forward to it at all, or don't even want to talk about it. Seems like a lot of men are into it, and I am not....that's why I don't have a boyfriend.
Posted in "welcome to our newest user/s!" Posted 7 years ago
Maybe one for people anniversary on Voltra XD jk jk, too much work for you. D:
@Boss Rimi: Probably because you aren't into that stuff.
You are similar to me, that's why I'm still a V.
@Luffer Nutter: Awwww, that's so sweet of you :D
He will appreciate your company!

@Unicorn: On the forum page, on the bottom if you are on mobile.
It's on the right side, if you are using your laptop or desktop.

@Boss Rimi: You mean...sexually?

@Dread Pirate: Luff is your new babe? XD
Posted in name change Posted 7 years ago
What are you changing your name to? XD I think I know.
Posted in Can't log in on log out page Posted 7 years ago
I can't seem to ever log in on log out page.
*huggles* don't get sick now.
I can't think right now, babe. D: I'm sick.
Awww, what did he do... this time?
@Dread Pirate: You aren't talking to me D:"?
@Luffer Nutter: What timezone are you in?
@Luffer Nutter: Awww, lmao XD You are so bad. >.<
Maybe go sit in the room with him while using your laptop?

...unless you are using a desktop.