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Say wah *hides* I don’t know anything.
I might get more if they have it up for ohms, but I probably hoard crate items instead :p they are going to be extra juicy!
I think I’m aiming for 10 too, and the rest for one of each recolors, unless it’s a really good recolor.
Going at this rate, you guys will have so many sets lmao
I spent 60k on last milestone items :( we are horriblr!
I got 10 sets too :3
Posted in » Angelic + Demonic Sets « Come Show Off! Posted 7 years ago
Maybe Angelic and Demonic sets :p
@cedes: omfg!! That’s the best gift ever.
I will update my charity image when I get home .

I love you tia
xatly you guys
:0 I want to make my own too, but I don’t have any baking stuff haha
Macarons are amazing, but can be really pricey!
@Neko: it’s amazing!!! So sweet and creamy.
I want candy emoji Too and rainbow.
I demand panda emoji that ghost made :(