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Yeah which outway the awesome sounding hourly rates lol

My last job was 19.18 weekday, 23.97 saturday, 28.77 sunday and 47.95 public holidays :3

And that was working in a shop

Yeahh you generally earn penalty rates for weekends here too :3

Posted in Please Lock Posted 7 years ago
Hey Panda! I would like to place a bid! <3

Username: Paranoia
Item: Sweet cakes
Bid: 154 Volts

You just gotta learn to drive on the left side of the road lol

Yeah thats pretty bad for weekend shifts really... You would earn more and not pay tax here :3

Enjoy your breakfast Damia!

We have 3 different tax rates due to having the business and having our personal pays :3

I dont like organizing the finances I just leave that to accountants lol

I dunno 18k tax free sounds alright but when you add up living expenses it sounds very bad very quickly XD

35% is high... The low one here is 19c/$1 over $18000

So you can earn $18k per year without paying tax :3

Min: Its how much tax you pay

So if you earn $1000 at 44% you only get $660

Veng: Nah I live in Australia :3

Min: I know the feeling, I think my tax bracket is 44% or something?

Ahhh right thats not bad though, my last job I had to sign an IFA which allowed me to do overtime at standard rates.

So I could literally do 70hrs in a week and only earn the normal rate then lose half of it in tax lol

Posted in What are you currently listening to? Posted 7 years ago
Brynny - Want it all
