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Duuuude I hate having scratches on the roof of my mouth D:

Morning Panda!

Well, this is true...

Its nearly 1am how does that even happen?

We were talking about sims earlier o:

Lmao my grandkids wouldnt be playing avatar sites XD

Yeah wouldnt want too many young Paras running around haha

Well our kids are 13, 11 and 4 so its pretty possible Ill be a grandparent in my 30s :3

I hope to not become a grandperson for at least another 10 years o:

Mine has been going wrong for a few months but its $400 for a new one so Im considering whether to just buy a new tower or not :3

I'm 26 but I feel maybe 48 right now XD

My computer needs a new graphics card so that happens all the time :(

Im still old hah
Naww the event forum is goneski :(

Min is rood to me :(

Apparently Para is old o.o'
