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Yeah I get a craving to play it every now and then and spend a couple days on it lol

I hate Norton it clashes with The Sims lol

Panda - Thank you lovely <3 Only one more after this one to complete my sets haha

Panda - Ahh that's ok - If you don't mind getting it for me I can still give you 1000 Ohms for it, I do have 2 Alices but I'm wearing one O:

Ghost - Ahhh ok, well yeah there's still like 8 weeks to get more XD

Panda - And your spares will keep you going with that collection for a while XD

Luna - Well if it dies, good luck with the doc - Hope you get some answers!

Ghostie: Still next month to get Alice, too. :D
Luna: Well at least you're seeing somebody soon. :3
Panda: So like event items?

Luna - Well if you have a slight fever but feel cold you really need to see a doc... > > '

Panda - Just think how much they will be worth if they're /actually/ rarer though XP

Luna - Warm up from the inside out. All the layers in the world won't warm you if your body temp is down.

Have a hot cup of tea or hot chocolate, nice warm bath...

Don't sit too close to heaters if you're too cold it'll make it worse :3

Panda - But at least with that rate they will actually be wanted...

You shouldn't really be able to open 3 sets and get 3 rares, doesn't make them rare. XD

But then I opened 2 sets and got 2 rares so maybe you're just unlucky Panda this month O:

Sorry I poofed again. D:<

So you got 13 alices from opening 60 crates? O:

So close to 1:5, that's not /too/ bad, makes them rare like they're meant to be XD

Ayyy Im a square :D

How many have you opened?

I opened 4 and got 2 alice o;
