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@alia starchild: indeed xD
i just stitiched a zipper onto another bag though!

@ina: i have three tabs on voltra. i havent been on gaia in ages. i have a cute paw avi there though.
same username xD
imgr, facebook, pinterest, various pattern and tutorial pages (lookin for inspo), amazon cause i just ordered a new shelf, etsy because i was editing my shop/site
@Ina: i get distracted easily ; u;
i have 10 tabs open. and another window with youtube on my other monitor and like two more tabs.
on top of various programs i have up xD like photoshop and pc stitch for cross stitch patterns lmfao
I have a bunch of tabs open at one time usually.
so i can just stay in places xD two tabs for certain threads and then one tab for browsing xDD
Posted in Post your Pet! Posted 7 years ago
@Slytherclaw: oh MY GOOODNESSSSS.
i need one ; O;

@guttedbunny: what a perfect bbb <3
Posted in SassyBuns Cafe [Open!] Posted 7 years ago
*rolls through thread*
@alia starchild: *smooths feathers* c:

@panda: what site?
@ina: hahaha xD
@alia starchild: yis. your wings are soft and pretty.
*pets more*

@ina: yes. i believe you are right.
@alia starchild: c:
*pets wings*

@ina: yeah they do xD
i havent seen many after the og guy left though. i should look them up
@ina: ooh that makes sense lmfao
those commercials are indeed, wild. xD
@ina: its an amazing gif.
i dont know what its from but i need to know now lmfao

@alia starchild: because i can o 3o
@shadami: see you later c:

@ina: i am crying at that gif.

@alia starchild: *hides in scarf* cuddles only pls
@Panda: i have those days D:
what are they doing?

@alia starchild: i will ; o;
i have two halfway done out of 5.
i just need to make little strap things to attach rectangle rings and i dont wanna get up lmfao
i've made a ton in the last week or so. c:
Posted in Hi! Posted 7 years ago
hey there :D
welcome to voltraa.
i like your avatar! i hope you like it here and i hope to see you around c: