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@alia starchild: *succumbs to the cuddles*
i need to finish sewing these purses
but im feelin so lazy
i think im gonna change my avi. :o

@alia starchild: oh no i have been caught D:
*plays dead*
@alia starchild: *rolls by and high fives*
@ina: oh noo. dumb computer :<
Yeah a lot of people around me are getting sick rn.

@shadami: niiice c:
my ex had an app he would get money from for doin surveys. he bought music and apps with it xD
@Ina: yeah c: thats awesome.
too bad you didnt find out until way late though xD

@lunakiri: well darn xDD

@alia starchild: good c:
@Alia Starchild: you are not wrong. i am a huge nerd lol

@ina: niice :D

@lunakiri: haha xD would giving your volts to a mule help? out of sight out of mind type of thing? c:
@alia starchild: ...yes.

@lunakiri: awwe. you're too nice! lol
you gotta save some for yourself bb!
@Lunakiri: mhhm. im a hoarder. and i am probably gonna sell some eventually. xD
i got a bunch of the horns lol
you're sweet! i have only given some volts to one person so far xD
but i had over 30k. ; u;
i need to save more before i give away lol

@Alia Starchild: cant catch me. 2speedy4u.

@Alia Starchild: *flips and rolls away*

@lunakiri: yeaah. i spent a good 10k my last time buyin commons and event items ; o;

@shadami: haha im not that against bananas. i dont mind them in smoothies. i just. cant deal with them by themselves. and the texture of eating a banana by itself is grooossss
@shadami: i dislike some foods and people think im weird for it.
i dont like bananas because texture. and i dont like watermelon either lol

@alia starchild: *rolls with*
@Lunakiri: ooh i'd love to see an avi like that :D

@alia starchild: >:o
*poke poke poke poke*
@Lunakiri; thank youu c: <3 i like the gold in yours :o

@alia starchild: c:
*poke poke*
@Morbid Curiosity: hiii <3 <3 <3 *rolls into and hugs*
Dude, that was definitely the worst part about otterbox cases lol

@alia starchild: thank you c:
@alia starchild: mhhm c:
*rolls around*
@alia starchild: hellloo c:
i like your avatar!