Poetictorment's posts
Posted in A little nook of my own... Page 40 prize- sketch
Posted 4 years ago

Please ping!! I am a busy mom and tend to get lost~
@Kittyzilla: Oh, yeah. It's been a while though. *^*

Posted in A little nook of my own... Page 40 prize- sketch
Posted 4 years ago

Please ping!! I am a busy mom and tend to get lost~
@Kittyzilla: I will! I plan to use pliers to get the rest since I already knocked the loose glass off earlier so I'll finish cleaning later. *^*

Posted in A little nook of my own... Page 40 prize- sketch
Posted 4 years ago

Please ping!! I am a busy mom and tend to get lost~
@Kittyzilla: Not that I know of. *^* We live in a small town so I'd have to travel an hour or so to get it to a shop.

Posted in A little nook of my own... Page 40 prize- sketch
Posted 4 years ago

Please ping!! I am a busy mom and tend to get lost~
@dragoness129: I'm honestly glad he has something he likes doing other than video games and watching kids on youtube play games. lol
@Kittyzilla: Unfortunately, no. But I think it'd be fine without the globe part. I really just like the music box and the figure so I'll just do an at-home fix and not worry about it as long as the music box works. (I should have checked while I was there) *^*;

Posted in A little nook of my own... Page 40 prize- sketch
Posted 4 years ago

Please ping!! I am a busy mom and tend to get lost~
@dragoness129: Lol I think I'll let him do more since he enjoyed it so much. He's saying he wants to be a cook. *^*
@Kittyzilla: Thank you! *^* We managed to get the stuff she left boxes up and out so she can grab it. If she doesn't get it then we can trash it or whatever. Unfortunately, one of my keepsakes that got left behind was broken when we went over to clean. Thankfully it was just the globe part so I think the music box and figures are savable once I remove the last of the broken glass.

Posted in A little nook of my own... Page 40 prize- sketch
Posted 4 years ago

Please ping!! I am a busy mom and tend to get lost~
@dragoness129: Lol It does tend to be right. *^* Same! I use it for inspo for my artwork too.
Yeah, he was too proud cause he got to "cook" XD

Posted in A little nook of my own... Page 40 prize- sketch
Posted 4 years ago

Please ping!! I am a busy mom and tend to get lost~
@dragoness129: Yeah, I found you need a lot of extra of the wet ingredients with coconut flour but it has a nice taste to it.
(If you like coconut anyway) lol Yeah, black teas have a very calming effect for me.
Green tea and White teas seem to be better first thing in the morning or right before bed.
Oh, Jasmine Green is really nice. It's one I like drinking when it's hot out with honey. *^*
Yeah, they really are! Plus they are comfort food for me so I'm hoping it'll help my mood. lol
Oh brownies sound good too. My kiddo made a brownie mug cake last night, he wouldn't share at all. XD

Posted in A little nook of my own... Page 40 prize- sketch
Posted 4 years ago

Please ping!! I am a busy mom and tend to get lost~
@dragoness129: Lol Thanks. It's necessary so I'm working on figuring it out one way or another. (allergy) I've already gotten some coconut flour and brown rice flour since they are supposed to be great for baking.
That it is! Same here. I do drink a lot of Earl Grey though so it's my favorite out of all of them. XD
Oh yeah, that's always tough to go through.
I'm thinking of just trying out this cookie box mix my SO got me that's gluten-free. I've been desperate for some cookies... *^*

Posted in A little nook of my own... Page 40 prize- sketch
Posted 4 years ago

Please ping!! I am a busy mom and tend to get lost~
@Kittyzilla: {hugs back} It's the thought that counts! I've been stuck at home for a while, trying to avoid her, so my frustration was getting the better of me. *^*;
@dragoness129: {Nods} I know... I worked very hard to make sure he'd be safe. Thankfully, he's doing much better now that we'll get to go home soon. (Plus he worked much harder to work on his speech to prove her wrong)
Thank you. *^* Well, we try anyway! Sometimes the negative gets the better of us. (Like my frustration for the mess) But I try not to dwell on it very long.
Same here! I didn't get to do much baking this fall because of everything so I'm probably going to try baking for the next few days. (I'm having to go gluten-free so it'll let me test some recipes) XD I drink tea all the time, it's my relaxing time. lol

Posted in A little nook of my own... Page 40 prize- sketch
Posted 4 years ago

Please ping!! I am a busy mom and tend to get lost~
@dragoness129: Yeah. She's still trying her best to mess with our life though. She's even spreading a rumor that I left my SO and son, atm. Last time it was a rumor that SO was divorcing me. And honestly, we find the rumors funny; even our friends know better about it. I really thought she was my friend but glad to know this now rather than later. The only thing that really upset me was that she verbally abused my son, what she said to him really hit him hard. I mean, who'd in their right mind could tell a 6-year-old they're slow and stupid due to autism and so he shouldn't bother trying? And we think she might have hit him too. I made sure he wasn't alone with her after I realized what was going on; like we moved out in 3 days to make sure he was safe.
Thank you. I really hope so. It's been a really long time since I've been able to relax and I really miss being home. -hugs-
Oh, that's the best! Like perfect comfy temp. *^* Plus makes perfect weather for baking or drinking tea/coffee.

Posted in A little nook of my own... Page 40 prize- sketch
Posted 4 years ago

Please ping!! I am a busy mom and tend to get lost~
@dragoness129: Lmao Yeah, that won't happen! She chased us out of our home by her abuse a few months ago then we had no choice but to buy her half of the property to get our home back. We've been working for an eviction so we can go home. She moved out yesterday so we changed the locks to make sure nothing else happens. Now we're stuck bagging her mess and boxing what's left of her stuff like our lawyer said to do. *^*;
Not a problem. I agree there! Not fond of the cold. That's true...

Posted in A little nook of my own... Page 40 prize- sketch
Posted 4 years ago

Please ping!! I am a busy mom and tend to get lost~
@dragoness129: Thanks. I need all the luck I can get at this point... Honestly, I don't even want to deal with it. Like she has the house trashed out really badly... She's been there for months and never took any of the trash out, just tossed it on the floor. I kept our home clean and now I feel like I'd need to bleach everything.
Well, hopefully, it'll stay nice for you then. I know I'm done with the cold temps as well. *^*

Posted in A little nook of my own... Page 40 prize- sketch
Posted 4 years ago

Please ping!! I am a busy mom and tend to get lost~
@dragoness129: Yeah, it's a tough feeling to get through. I'll be much more relaxed when everything is done. *^*
Oh, I know that one! I'm nursing a head cold due to the drop in temp. I hope you feel better soon.

Posted in A little nook of my own... Page 40 prize- sketch
Posted 4 years ago

Please ping!! I am a busy mom and tend to get lost~
@dragoness129: Hey. I'm okay, just stressed. *^*
How about you?