Poetictorment's posts
Posted in A little nook of my own... Page 40 prize- sketch
Posted 4 years ago

Please ping!! I am a busy mom and tend to get lost~
@Kittyzilla: This is true. And we're making sure she can't come back. I'm just exhausted even thinking about cleaning it and I think that's my main issue. I was already stressed with the court stuff and us struggling to earn money to pay for it all just so we could go home. Then all the lies she was trying to spread got to me. I have videos from all the holidays we spent together, I had to edit all the bad stuff she'd say out just to be able to post it. I have more than enough proof to show how she really is but I won't post it, just so we don't have to deal with more drama. (Plus, I dislike acting petty...) As much as I want to, just to get back at her for telling my son he was "slow and stupid because you have autism" (while she smiled at him), I know better... I just want my calm quiet life back and my son to be happy again.

Posted in A little nook of my own... Page 40 prize- sketch
Posted 4 years ago

Please ping!! I am a busy mom and tend to get lost~
@Kittyzilla: Oh, yeah. That's not cool either. Sounds like you didn't have a good landlord. *^*
Ours was a bit different since we had owned half the property and she had the other half. (She is blood-related to my SO and I thought she was my friend T^T ) Legally, she couldn't evict us; just like we couldn't her. (She did try to get me removed by police though since my name wasn't on the title and only my SOs was) But her abuse and forcibly moving in was awful enough that we moved out within 3 days so our 6 years old wouldn't be more traumatized... (He acted like he had gotten hit by her) And considering the verbal abuse we all faced, I wouldn't be surprised if she had. So now we'll be stuck cleaning her mess and setting the last of her belongings out since she has no rights to the house now. I'm looking forward to going home. I just really don't want to deal with the huge mess she left... Like there are sonic cups, food bags, and stuff all over the floors... I have a feeling it'll take a few days to clean it and it's SUPER gross. =^=;;

Posted in A little nook of my own... Page 40 prize- sketch
Posted 4 years ago

Please ping!! I am a busy mom and tend to get lost~
@Kittyzilla: I don't find you annoying at all. *^* I've just been stress with everything... We were forced out of our home a few months back since she owned half of our property. We've managed to buy her half so she doesn't have any rights to the house now and we've been trying to fully evict her so we can go home. She supposedly moved out yesterday but left a lot of stuff and the house is completely trashed... I just don't want to deal with her hatefulness anymore.

Posted in A little nook of my own... Page 40 prize- sketch
Posted 4 years ago

Please ping!! I am a busy mom and tend to get lost~
@Kittyzilla: Well that's good!
Sorry I haven't really been feeling talkative lately so it might take me longer to post a reply. *^*;;
It's been stressful here so I'm just tired.

Posted in A little nook of my own... Page 40 prize- sketch
Posted 4 years ago

Please ping!! I am a busy mom and tend to get lost~
@Kittyzilla: That's probably safer anyway. *^*

Posted in A little nook of my own... Page 40 prize- sketch
Posted 4 years ago

Please ping!! I am a busy mom and tend to get lost~
@Kittyzilla: Oh okay. That's not bad then. And that's good that you don't walk in the dark. *^*

Posted in A little nook of my own... Page 40 prize- sketch
Posted 4 years ago

Please ping!! I am a busy mom and tend to get lost~
@Kittyzilla: Oh, that sounds confusing. *^*;
Hopefully, it'll settle quickly.

Posted in A little nook of my own... Page 40 prize- sketch
Posted 4 years ago

Please ping!! I am a busy mom and tend to get lost~
@Kittyzilla: Hey! How are you? *^*

Posted in ■■■ [S/B] A lot of items
Posted 4 years ago

Please ping!! I am a busy mom and tend to get lost~
@Grid: I'd like to buy these if you still have them (5K):
~Autumn Block Party '19:
Vichard's Face - 1k
Volkan's Ponytail - 1k
~Winter Solstice '19:
Vichard's Memories - 1k
Volkan's Memories - 1k
Vyctor's Memories - 1k

Posted in A little nook of my own... Page 40 prize- sketch
Posted 4 years ago

Please ping!! I am a busy mom and tend to get lost~
@Whimsy: Yep! Now if I had more time for voltra, I'd be set. lol

Posted in A little nook of my own... Page 40 prize- sketch
Posted 4 years ago

Please ping!! I am a busy mom and tend to get lost~
@Whimsy: Thank you! We got the new box and it seems to have fixed the issue now. :)

Posted in Diamonds Are Forever! -Over!
Posted 4 years ago

Please ping!! I am a busy mom and tend to get lost~
Oh, how fun! Here are a few photos of my kitties~
Knight & Ace-
Miss Kitty-

Knight & Ace-

Miss Kitty-

Posted in Does Your Cat Play Fetch?
Posted 4 years ago

Please ping!! I am a busy mom and tend to get lost~
My cat, Knight, did daily! He's a bit old now so he prefers to sleep now. lol

Posted in "Life Itself" | ACNH thread
Posted 4 years ago

Please ping!! I am a busy mom and tend to get lost~
I'm working on terraforming and adding another character house so I can make a cafe/library. *^*