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■ Hover effects
■ Transitions and simple animations
■ Custom headers & footers
■ Custom Google Fonts
■ Mobile friendly layouts

■ Layouts with copyrighted images
■ Custom sections (for now)
■ Animated gifs

■ I use Google Chrome to code
■ I work on a 2880x1800 resolution monitor
■ If mobile-friendly code is requested, I will check all screen sizes
■ I host images on Imgur for easy access. Please backup all images to your own computer as well.

PRICE: Bribe me

PRICE: 8-15k, depending on complexity
None yet - check out my own threads for ideas!

PRICE: 5-8k, depending on complexity
None yet - check out my own threads for ideas!


Want to be on the wait list? Ping me!


[size=11][b]@Prodigy: I'D LIKE TO COMMISSION YOU FOR A PROFILE, PLEASE![/b][/size]

[color=#A41A38]████[/color] [size=11][b]DESIGN DETAILS[/b][/size][size=13]
[b]Imagery:[/b] Please link art/images you would like to use
[b]Colors:[/b] Please provide hex codes if possible
[b]Sections:[/b] List all sections you want in the layout
[b]Themes:[/b] Specify any themes you want incorporated. Image references welcome!
[b]Features:[/b] Any special features you want included? (Mobile friendly, hover sections, etc.)
[color=#95BE6C]████[/color] [size=11][b]OTHER DETAILS[/b][/size][size=13]
[b]Additional Notes:[/b] Let me know anything else that might be relevant!
[b]Offer:[/b] State your offer here


[size=11][b]@Prodigy: I'D LIKE TO COMMISSION YOU FOR A LAYOUT, PLEASE![/b][/size]

[color=#A41A38]████[/color] [size=11][b]DESIGN DETAILS[/b][/size][size=13]
[b]Imagery:[/b] Please link art/images you would like to use
[b]Colors:[/b] Please provide hex codes if possible
[b]Sections & Sub-Sections:[/b] List all sections plus their sub-sections you want in the layout, if applicable
[b]Themes:[/b] Specify any themes you want incorporated. Image references welcome!
[color=#95BE6C]████[/color] [size=11][b]OTHER DETAILS[/b][/size][size=13]
[b]Additional Notes:[/b] Let me know anything else that might be relevant!
[b]Offer:[/b] State your offer here


Hello! Welcome to 𝕖𝕗𝕚𝕟𝕖𝕕, my small profile and graphic shop offering big possibilities. If you're looking for an in-depth, completely custom profile or a thread layout with a professional vibe you've come to the right place. I'll be offering my skills as a web and graphic designer to you in order to make your design dreams come true. Please feel free to stay and chat. If you have any questions you can always just ask!

Do not remove any credits added to graphics or code.
Do not use any of my work outside of its original intended purpose.
Do not use any of my work that was not created specifically for you.
Do not change your commission drastically after submitting your form.
Do not rush the process. I work a full time job and wait times can be long.

STEP 1 Post the appropriate form with the included ping to me.
STEP 2 Wait for my approval and then send a trade with the offer inside.
STEP 3 Receive a PM from me with a proof prior to delivery.
STEP 4 Complete the trade once proof is approved.
STEP 5 Receive your finished work via PM.
Posted in The Doll House - A BJD Themed Hangout Posted 7 years ago
It sure is. xD I love my job but omg I get so tired when 3pm hits.
Posted in The Doll House - A BJD Themed Hangout Posted 7 years ago
Work is over for the day. I swear I was going to start falling asleep at my desk. :vanora_xd:
Posted in I love the mobile-friendliness of Voltra Posted 7 years ago
The fact that the site is mobile-friendly makes it way more accessible. I absolutely love it. :vanora_heart:
Posted in The Doll House - A BJD Themed Hangout Posted 7 years ago
@Rabbitafy: All dolls need a friend. Or three. Or five. ;D
Posted in The Doll House - A BJD Themed Hangout Posted 7 years ago
@Rabbitafy: They sure do grow in numbers fast! I started with one, then she needed a boyfriend, then a best friend and her friend's little sister... xD
Posted in The Doll House - A BJD Themed Hangout Posted 7 years ago
@Rabbitafy: Hi Rabbitafy! I've only been collecting for about 6 years now but I've got about 20 dolls in my collection. :vanora_sweat: They add up fast! But yes, that's a good point. I'll go ahead and add that in there.
Posted in The Doll House - A BJD Themed Hangout Posted 7 years ago
@Spring: I like doing a bit of that stuff but I'm better at the design portion of it all. But we do have an awesome plugin/web developer on our team who's a beast at doing all that stuff.
Posted in The Doll House - A BJD Themed Hangout Posted 7 years ago
@Lina: Agreed!

@Spring: I do a bit, but I'm not heavily involved in dev. We have a web development team that works with us as well as a software dev team that works in one of our other divisions.
Posted in The Doll House - A BJD Themed Hangout Posted 7 years ago
Oooooh some customers can be so crazy! I once had a customer who asked if I could get a $6,000, fully integrated and custom 20+ page website done in two weeks. :vanora_xd: Luckily we actually refuse clients that don't fit our business model so we don't end up in the trap of taking everyone with money.
Posted in The Doll House - A BJD Themed Hangout Posted 7 years ago
I'm a web designer at a tech company. We also do payment processing (credit cards and echecks and stuff) and POS systems (the systems at restaurants/bars that take orders). :vanora_smile: