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Posted in honeyglazed ★ Posted 5 years ago

@Kairie: Yep it sucks I can't even have two sets of ears, I wanted to make a hybrid earlier but I noticed one of the ears will disappear due to it merp

And Ty the colors growing to me too, but it honestly look more better on my phone rn than my tablet tho xD

Posted in honeyglazed ★ Posted 5 years ago

@Totalanimefan: Yup well that and grinded enough volts to buy some few items recently xD

Posted in honeyglazed ★ Posted 5 years ago

Hmm maybe you had an awesome day? :3

Posted in honeyglazed ★ Posted 5 years ago

@Kairie: I see :3
I really want to make those kind of Avis next. But layering here is a bit difficult =w=;

@Totalanimefan: Awe ty TwT
I created this one on a spot. I'm so happy of it too~

Posted in honeyglazed ★ Posted 5 years ago

@Totalanimefan: Np ( ´ ▽ ` )ノ
I really like that color scheme too. Maybe I'll go for those colors next

Posted in honeyglazed ★ Posted 5 years ago

@Kairie: Ooooh! I'm so slow I was looking at your headphones the entire time x.x

I think my brain is telling me to sleep soon lol xD But yeh I can see it now~

Posted in honeyglazed ★ Posted 5 years ago

@eyry: oof clean the sheets right away x.x
Posted in honeyglazed ★ Posted 5 years ago

@Totalanimefan: Up to you although your avatar right now is not bad. But a little advice work on the background a bit more? Thats it.

@Kairie: I honestly can't tell, probably because I'm on my phone or are you talking about the fluffy earrings?

Posted in honeyglazed ★ Posted 5 years ago

I really like that color scheme though. I don't see a of people use yellow and blue together.

Posted in Thinking About You. Posted 5 years ago

I like this guy for years since seventh grade and I'm turning 25 this month. I was the type that falls in love too fast, even before I met him I had crushes on other guys. But boi I fell for this guy hard, I thought he was my soulmate, the one I'm going to marry.

I think is only this year I've come to terms with it and trying to move on. The dude ghosted me years back yet I stupidly forgave him too easily. I'm not gonna lie I did ghosted him back and had my fault in this. I know I'm confusing people here. But I heard he did like me back but we were both being shy about this. So basically nothing happened. I tried to chat on him online but I got really discourage because he didnt reply right away but the following day. He didn't seemed interested in my point of view back then. So I kind of ghosted him? That's when I truly started to kept my distance. I tried chatting with him the second time a few months later (because younger me could never get a clue) that's when he ghosted me. Then he forever moved to America not long after. He was really giving me mixed signals my brother who's close friends with him said he liked me. But I didn't believed it because well he never really talk to me, he did show some interest like I caught him staring at me a few times but the most I got on this guy is through online. He liked some of my posts I did the same back to him and that's it.

So I guess now it got to the point where I got really fed up with this "crush" that I've finally seen the light. So basically I learned the hard way and I've realizes a lot of things of myself along the way. The reality is, I barely know the dude yeah he's close friends with my brother. But I've come to terms on how things went out between us this guy is probably not worth it. Is just frustrating that I still think about him sometimes. But meeting him definitely gave me a different perspective on love and relationships. And I'm definitely not ready for it but that's hard when I'm a hopeless romantic TAT

Sorry for the long rant but felt the need to share, and maybe see your opinions as well. I do overthink a lot.

@MoodyBats: That would probably help a lot. It would be a very good solid reason to sleep properly :3

@Booderdooder: Wew that is definitely all over the place but not so bad ^w^

@MoodyBats: I see, well it takes some time but eventually you'll be waking up around that time too.
Although i my situation I made it kind of worse for myself. I'm an early bird and a night owl altogether x.x

Welp I need some serious update on some of my ongoing threads though

Posted in Art Dumpuuh~ <3 Posted 5 years ago

Here's the finished version~

I actually like how it turned out but in my opinion this is the most cartoon style drawing I've ever drawn x.x

Posted in *Burps* Posted 5 years ago