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Posted in Name a song but replace one word with cat Posted 4 years ago

The best of both Cats

Posted in Word Association Posted 4 years ago


Posted in Names A to Z Posted 4 years ago


Posted in Catastrophizing/Thinking the Worst Posted 4 years ago

Yes that's one of the main issues I have and is still working on. Is a lot worse on days when I wake up and have that feeling nothing feels right moments. Is even worse when I'm stressed or felt like my world is literally crashing down on my feet.

I usually step back once I notice it and often remind myself, that sometimes those negative thoughts, we potray them more worse than it really is. Once I calm down and give myself that self-talk, I also realized that those problems are not so bad as I make it seem in the first place.

Is weird how our thoughts can do to us :viosweat:

Posted in *Burps* Posted 4 years ago


Posted in *Burps* Posted 4 years ago


Posted in *Burps* Posted 4 years ago


Posted in *Burps* Posted 4 years ago


Posted in *Burps* Posted 4 years ago


Posted in *Burps* Posted 4 years ago


Posted in *Burps* Posted 4 years ago


Posted in *Burps* Posted 4 years ago


Posted in *Burps* Posted 4 years ago


Posted in *Burps* Posted 4 years ago
