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Posted in *Burps* Posted 4 years ago


Posted in *Burps* Posted 4 years ago


Posted in *Burps* Posted 4 years ago


Posted in *Burps* Posted 4 years ago


Posted in *Burps* Posted 4 years ago


Posted in *Burps* Posted 4 years ago


Posted in *Burps* Posted 4 years ago


Posted in *Burps* Posted 4 years ago


Posted in *Burps* Posted 4 years ago


Posted in *Burps* Posted 4 years ago


Posted in *Burps* Posted 4 years ago


Posted in *casually struts back in* Posted 4 years ago

@iggy: Thanks~
Yep I see the major difference already and I used to got to CB there too. For me, the forums here reminds me a huge paws forums but with more options and subtopics so ish nice

Btw I realy like your avatar~

Posted in *casually struts back in* Posted 4 years ago

Welcome back
And hello also, I'm new around here~

Plus is nice to see some gaian peeps like me here

Posted in What are you currently reading? Posted 4 years ago

I'm currently re-reading this book again called Inkspell by Cornelia Funk. Is a second book from it's trilogy series. I don't want to spoil much but the setting is modern day then into medieval fantasy later on to the series.

To brief it short there was a father named Mo who has a talent of reading beautifully out loud in front of his wife Resa and his two years old daughter Meggie. The couple are total bookworms and every night before bed, Resa would pick a book for Mo to read out loud. One of those nights however Resa picked a book called Ink Heart for him to read. But in the middle of a chapter he was reading out loud, two of the characters that he was currently reading appeared out of nowhere. One an innocent fire eater name Dustfringer and a main antagonist of the book called Capricorn. A little later on without him realizing his wife is no longer been found meaning she was warp inside the book in exchange for those two characters.