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@Anarchist Beauty: Awe :3
I've been working on one for myself too... but failed. Maybe I should try again later =w=

@Kittybeary: Ok ^^ Hopefully you get it because so far your the only contestant lelelel

@Anarchist Beauty: Ty ty♥
I love yours as well! Is so festive and colourful!

@KittyBeary: One last time unfortunately. I wish you good luck! ^w^

Posted in Tech Talk (Wordsearch Game) Posted 3 years ago

@Vanora: Here's mine:
I wasted a loot of time finding the word Lenk until I had to look up here again if there's some sort of error rofl

Posted in Precious Memories (Game) Posted 3 years ago

And here's mine ٩(●ö●)۶

Posted in ┤▒├ Collecting Dust bunnies Posted 3 years ago

@wildfire: Yikes, pretty much heaven and hell type of experience xD
Yep, I slack on weekends and get real shit done on weekdays.

Welp I'm off to take a shower so brb for awhile~

Posted in ┤▒├ Collecting Dust bunnies Posted 3 years ago

@Wildfire: Well I've just had my breakfast while browsing here on youtube and DV so far.
I got to start on some event acitivities here today and possibly do some laundry today or tommorrow and that's it so far I think =w=

Awe I imagine them snuggling to you out of frear, so precious but annoying pfft

Posted in ┤▒├ Collecting Dust bunnies Posted 3 years ago

@Wildfire: Morning! Awe that really sounds like a stressful night :(
Did you still manage to get some little sleep? And the poor doggies!

Another morning, another day =w=
How's everyone doing?

I'm sorry Wild but I'm stealing your ideas lolol
But here's some questions for great conversation starters~

What's your favourite part of Spring?
What is some spring cleaning you've done so far that you've been postponing for quite awhile?
Easter bunny mascot costumes, do you find them cute or scary? I've seen some creepy ones online...

◦✹ @TeaTales: Hopefully yes since they normally have bundles and goodie bags near the end of events here.
But we'll just have to see ┐(´~`)┌

@Junko7: Is all good ^^
And I'm glad you like it~ ✹◦

◦✹ @TeaTales: Yeah... I'll most likely will join waay later xD
At least the forums open until the 19th. ✹◦

◦✹ @Wildfire: Going well but a bit slow since I've been posting on the main event thread
How are you?

@TeaTales: Awe, well hopefully you earn enough dust bunnies by the end of this. You still got plenty of time :3
I haven't join on any event activities yet... I'll probably get started near that it's due ✹◦

@junko7: Another drawing done!
Hope you like it :3

◦✹ Goood morning!
I hope everyone is doing good today?

Just a reminder there's one more spot for the rng and I think it will be the last since I noticed there's not a lot of people joining the spring event this year...

I would randomly pick who to draw from now on here or something like that *shrugs* ✹◦