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@Wildfire: What you say makes sense though, it is what occurred in my mind when I typed my response earlier. Filipino culture are very much like that and I'm raised by that mindset. But I also add that poverty can also be a cause too and I know that by hearing my dad's story growing up. When education is a sure case of survival and better living around his time.

Haha it can be beautiful to view as you see just snow everywhere but I can say for some canadians that shoveling snow can be annoying. You can actually get fined if you don't shovel your part of the street if you live in the house lel. Plus often after a big storm most of streets here are shoveled properly around later afternoon through evening. Heck it can be endless shoveling if it snows longer. But other than that Is a very nice day to hangout outside after the blizzard. Most kids here if you live in a very hilly part of the neighbourhood, will use their sleds to slide down those hills. Or you see more people out and about if it's not too freezing cold outside :>

Ah most mornings do be like that. I'll be having a very quiet and peaceful Sunday. Most of the people here will be out and I can enjoy some quiet for a change. I'll be in my little introvert paradise xD But sounds like you'll also have a relaxing chill day too~

@Wildfire: It's a habit I've had for years unfortunately :/
Is not easy for me to change it when it's just ingrained on my mind for years but I am changing it slowly. Trying my best to live my own life as everyone says.

As suspected I knew it's going to be very warm and sunny after the blizzard so some snow melted but not all. I haven't been notified about any weather related news yet so is a bit warm atm. Dealing with single digits temp. but not in a negative. Well atm I'm in the middle finishing my breakfast and doing my dailies on DV. I plan to catch up with some more drawing later :3

And you? Anything interesting to do today?

@Wildfire: Morning! Hmm canadian weather at least since I moved here around 2005 have been somewhat stable. Like it actually properly snowed here throughout winter but not as much compared to our more northern neighbours. It will never rain or being suspiciously warm and sunny around this time but around when I'm in highschool I think that somewhat change. Or maybe my early childhood memories here are getting foggy (◎_◎;)

Thank you~ That's something I've been reminding myself recently too and also stopping this unhealthy habit of comparing my productivity towards other people. How are you this morning?

Posted in Art Dumpuuh~ <3 Posted 2 years ago

I've just been drawing some sketches lately.
Art block and burnout sucks and is just nice to draw some simpler drawings. I also miss adding some crosshatchings on my sketches~

@Wildfire: I think this one is more serious than the several winter storms we had before this year. But honestly have no clue *shrugs*
But these kinds of stuff used to be normal around here but you know, global warming caused the weather here to be so bipolar. Is been like raining, snowing and freakishly warm and sunny lately.

I think is the winter blues I tell you. Is not like I'm completely unproductive, I've just been very slow getting things done around here.

@Wildfire: Ha! These past several days has been weird... oddly in burnout on whatever it is this time but also got some things done. A now I'm snowed in the middle of a blizzard. I may go out later once they properly shovel the streets just to see how bad it is out there.

It is very sad to admit it to be honest xD
It's a good reminder to be off here for several hours sometimes but I'll just end up unconsciously scrolling down on my phone rofl
How have you been lately? *takes the * Btw I actually need to start brewing some coffee. My thirty minutes is up!

@Wildfire: Is gone now but not my tiredness... I finally got the folding done and I'm honestly trying to hype myself to at least sweep the floors or draw and I don't really feel like doing both of those things either x.x

That is true. I have gone without internet in longer periods of time before and without those distractions it has been such a horrific and weirdly felt more alive moments of my life. And I feel slightly ashamed and sad for admitting that x'DD

I think I'm just going to lay down for a bit and chill and get around to do those things later. I don't have a lot of energy to spend today due to my terrible sleep lately. RIP

@Wildfire: The plan is... do the things I haven't done yesterday xD But I woke up with an annoying headache this morning and is slowly going away.
I'm hopelessly addicted to the internet... but I guess that's about the same for everyone.

How's your morning going?

@Wildfire: Hahaha... well I didn't really get around folding mines today...
I went too deep into YouTube loophole and got heavily distracted (◎_◎)

That makes sense, it also makes my hair very dry and rough and I shampooed and condition my hair thoroughly earlier.

@wildfire: Oh god... (⊙_⊙) That sounds super annoying to deal with... I would lose it eventually if I were in your shoes. *gives you a virtual hug* Hang in there and your poor little nose x.x

Yeah it doesn't happen to me often also but the rest I needed to fold were just socks and underwear. I washed a huge load and didn't have energy left to fold them lel. And I have no clue really... sometimes my hair does that and I can only suspect because is cold today or something.

@Wildfire: Well weirdly enough I'm not tired? And I fell a sleep around 6 last night because for some reason, my brain won't let me sleep rofl
I'll try not to take a nap today but that can be a real challenge later on. I'll just run myself with caffeine for the rest of the day. And erm I never got around folding those clothes yet and only took a nice shower but for an annoying reason my hair is taking foreever to blowdry, so I left it half-dried *shrugs*

Around to 5-15 cm of snow... at least that's what I read online...
I've seen pics of those pollens and is crazy how much they can be! Does wearing masks kind of helps with the allergies a little bit? Just curious to ask.

@Wildfire: Oh I got it done late yesterday afternoon. But I do still have some clothes to fold still that I need to do later.
Oh no not another pollen attack!! ( ⁰д⁰) Meanwhile it just heavily snowed yesterday and now there's too much snow outside.

I'm trying to wake up still... I have some stuff to do but I kind of procrastinating as always but for now I just need my
I had very veeerry terrible sleep last night...

@Wildfire: I've done what I can today. Except the laundry because I started on it late and is still waiting for someone finish washing downstairs...
The curse of living on a small apartment (´•ω•̥`)

Glad I remembered you for it~

@Wildfire: I have no clue what it is... I think is my dad's one of experimentation dishes because I don't remember eating it before.
Awe hopefully you'll take some time off and draw one day, it is quite a relaxing hobby. And as for my plans? I woke up late and groggy, haven't sip my coffee yet, and have things to do... I have some laundry to catch up to and other chores mostly to get done this week.

But I'm still sleepy
How about you?