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@Wildfire: But I get tempted so baaad TwT
It's instant ramen or noodles for me or canned foods. If I were to live by myself I bet that's all I'm going to eat lol

@MoodyB: Oh that must be hard. I do hope you do get some commissions this year :(
Where do you usually do commissions? Just asking out of curiosity.

Good morning everyone!
I hope you guys are having a wonderful day ^^

Posted in Just Testing Stuff pls don't post Posted 4 years ago

I give up lol
Posted in Just Testing Stuff pls don't post Posted 4 years ago
a second try
please work! ;A;

Posted in Just Testing Stuff pls don't post Posted 4 years ago
testing format
testing testing 1 2 3
hope this works!

@Wildfire: I don't got that willpower unfortunately
I see junkfood I buy (jks not all the time) But once I have a bag of chips the next day I'll definitely crave for it x.x
Is my weakness and my comfort food

@MoodyB: Awe I see ono
At least you have people supporting you and that's what matters and I'm sure with a lot of practice you'll get there some day ^^

Yeah you need to invest a really good camera or maybe some other equipments to post some nice traditional artwork online. I always see some really good quality traditional artworks on Instagram (I follow a ton of them). I have to learn to edit mines to make it at least decent looking hahaha...

@Wildfire: Ah that's true :3
I don't think I've gotten out of that phase completely yet.
I need to try to eat healthy this year lol

@Wildfire: Well unhealthy convenient foods can be very tempting *salivates thinking of instant ramen* =q=
Yeah you may see it today if I stop procrastinating and just finish the drawing lol xDD

@Wildfire: Is the same one I mentioned before.
I'm nearly done with it and I may use it as a sig pic or post style like some people do here.
Not sure yet owo

I think that's a good distraction lol xD
Food is life afterall pfft

@Wildfire: Me and my mom planned to take down christmas decorations next week it seems so for now I've just been cleaning a bit here and there around my apartment. I had a good excuse not to during the holidays

For now I just made a fresh cup of coffee and planned to be here and browse on reddit for a bit. I don't really have concrete plans for today.
Oh! And plan to finish a drawing today and that's it I suppose.

@MoodyB: Good morning! I think Wild mentioned that to me but I'll look into it if I plan to switch in the future ^^
Yeah I'm taking my time with it definitely and I'm enjoying my time learning. At least now I don't find it a hassle to post my art online anymore is a lot difficult because my camera on my phone is not so good and can't handle brightness very well. I had to take pics on less gloomy days to have good quality pictures TwT

Yeah commissions in general are stressful. It doesn't help for people who already has anxiety to begin with. I remembering having a very hard time for people not paying on time or just straight up ghosted me. But my dad said to me before even if your drawings are not so great right now, there's always someone out there who will take interest of it. So I say take this time to practice while you can :3

@MoodyB: CSP? Never heard of that before. Yeah Krita seems to have good reviews and well known but I rather stick with this for awhile. I have experience with digital art already but I'm still new at it. More options kinda overwhelms me more...

I think I have an art style already and it took a long time for me to have my own and Iove but I need to improve more. But you'll get there ^^
I remember starting out and doing commissions as well and I was surprise they were people that actually want commissions from me because my drawings back then were... umm not the best lol

@MoodyB: Lol that's also my main reason why I want to do digital art. I'm also too broke to buy any expensive art supplies and even if I do my cheap ass nature still wouldn't go for it. Digital art seems a rather best way for me to draw since I have unlimited options and they're free programs such as Krita for me to use. All I need to buy is a drawing tablet.

Yeah funny though my brother is not a real fan of my drawings cause he doesn't like my art style as much lol. Just him being blunt but still supportive. But when he saw me start drawing digitally he became a real fan real quick. He said that digital art seems to fit my art style well more or something x'D

And 50 drawings!? Damn that is commitment right there while I haven't even completed my sketchbook yet which I had since 2019 lmao.

@MoodyB: Yeah I don't understand large size tablets. I supposed you have more room to draw on but I would like to get one that's small enough to travel or carry you know. Yeah my brother is pushing me to draw more digitally and I always had interest to do some digital art and I'm happy I can now. But I also had come to appreciate traditional art as well especially watercolour because I suffered using that medium a lot.

Hmm I need to have that mindset this year as well. I have gone a little better over the years and have been more forgiving to myself everytime I try something new but I kind of need to push out of my comfort zone more. I would really like to add some illustrations with my drawings which I kind of do (is a process) and ooh draw some short comics. That's something I'm kind of interested to do with digital art.

@0v7: Is all good you were busy ^^
I may not reply right away as well since I'm watching a stream.
Ah I see. I just assumed it was an animated movie so ish okai.

@MoodyB: It was gifted for me by my brother but is nothing fancy just a huion h1060p drawing tablet and is not really giving me much issues so far.
Yeah I get what you mean I have a perfectionism problem which is why I don't try much on new things related to art. So good for you for giving it a shot anyway :3