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Posted in My Quest For All Adorable Things <3 Posted 4 years ago


@Wildfire: it was good
What are you having for dinner tonight?

Yep baby steps xD

@Wildfire: Yeah I'm trying to draw a full body character with not much drawing tablet experience is a real struggle.
But I love it regardless. And for dinner some bite size chicken nuggets with veggies and rice. Not the most fancy meal but I'm starving right now so idgaf *q*

@Wildfire: Well I'm also done drawing for today and I'm still on tidying up on my lineart phase. Is taking me longer than I though x.x
For now I'm waiting for dinner to be ready and also for my favourite streamers to go live.

@Wildfire: The sketch lol xD

@Wildfire: Awe is nicee ^^

@Wildfire: Definitely slowly getting my stuff done.
I get so easily distracted xwx

What were you drawing during your time off?

@Wildfire: Well I'm glad you took some time off for yourself ^^
I still some stuff that needs to be done and at least finally get this final sketch done today.
I've been slacking off a bit today not gonna lie lol

The weather is nice here today. It has been gloomy a lot lately so is nice to have a bright sunny day and is not too cold.
I've just been drawing and tempted to draw more but I got other stuff to do unfortunately.

How is your day going so far Wild?

@Wildfire: Yup very true
That's just families in general for you xD

Good morning everyone~

@Wildfire: oof is the same way a bit for me. I have already schedule planned in my head what needs to be done but I never always be in the same page with my mom especially. Then I procrastinate a bit after and it gets a bit chaotic because we can be both stubborn sometimes haha xD

@MoodyB: Streaming them sounds nice, like on Twitch? At least you earn something to it after. Hmm but not a lot of people has that drive to draw often so maybe not passionate but determined?

@Wildfire: Awe thanks!
Well the Christmas tree is bare naked now and my back is starting to hurt
Yep my family is the same way. We love to procrastinate a lot but we manage to get things done in the end lol ^^

@MoodyB: Well is good to have something passionate about. Yeah I enjoy drawing hair as well but when it comes to drawing the eyes I get a mini
heart attack lol.

@Wildfire: Nope my mom wanted to do it next week but then she decided yesterday to just do it today
And now... we're both distracted it seems lol x'D

@Wildfire: Haha is alright xD I've just been here and on youtube. Haven't taken down the christmas tree yet uwu
Me too also, I don't like being cold all the time but also love the aesthetics as well, where everything is covered in snow.

I supposed so but I do space out a lot. Is like there's no off switch for my brain stop dreaming