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Posted in me trying to be smooth like Posted 3 years ago

This is me too xD
There be some lines I'm pretty proud coming up to only to be ruined by a typo...

Posted in Purp's Avatar Gallery Posted 3 years ago
Techno Samurai -> Christmas Angel -> Sakura Frost

I think I should share the names of my avatars from now on because I don't always leave them unnamed.
Happy Holidays everyone!

@Wildfire: Honestly this is the second time this happened to my family, the first one happened years ago with the same provider. Idk why we tolerate them over the years lmao.

That same goes to here...too much food lmao and we're taking our time finishing them pfft.

@Wildfire: Everything is okay now but we did have some technical issues with out internet provider and didn't have internet for 12 days and planning to switch to a better one at March hopefully. Just lousy service my gawd, we were shipped a new modem which turn out to be defective then have to wait for several days to get a second one that works but have to wait even more several days because they didn't register our new modem to their database and been denied internet access until yesterday afternoon... Then had other problems in my life piling up after that just glad is all over.

But it wasn't all bad but was super distracted and was not that into the festive mood this year. How's your holiday going? Must have cook a lot huh?

@Wildfire: It's...well I wouldn't say it's terrible just a lot has happened these couple of days =w=;
But yes I'm having a good Christmas so far, how's yours?

Merry Christmas everyone ^^

Posted in Day of Birth Posted 3 years ago

@MoodyB: Man your situation reminds me a lot of my mother side of the family. Funny though she was born wealthy but her fam is very chaotic. Every since we move to Canada my mother was mostly closed off to her relatives and siblings (she has a lot and she's the youngest) The last drama I heard is some relatives are fighting over which land to own back home. Heck even me and my twin brother own some land which I don't really give a damn about. I'm fortunate enough not to be tangled in that mess since I was very young when we moved away to another country, but I know well enough to see that her upbringing has traumatized her until this day... goes to show that money can bring the worst to people.

Ugh I can relate that xD
I do hope you get a new computer soon! The only tech issues I have often are my tablet and stylus... My laptop fortunately has not given up to me yet, hopefully I didn't jinx that lol

Posted in Day of Birth Posted 3 years ago

@MoodyB: It seems like we're both in the opposite ends when it comes to our art style. Not gonna lie, I'm a bit envious sometimes for artists who can draw some good semi-realism drawings but is also a source of my inspiration. Is like a double edge sword for me =w=;

Families are complicated that for sure... I'm fortunate enough that my family mostly dealt our own past drama and conflicts to one another but that doesn't mean we're far from perfect. I would've made a decision of cutting them out of my life, which is going to be very difficult because I still solely dependent on them... financially that is. But I still need to set some boundaries from certain family members...

Posted in Day of Birth Posted 3 years ago

@MoodyB: I think your well on your way there :3
For me I think my anatomy has gotten a bit better over the years, but my poses and colouring could use some more improving. And is good that you cut of those type of people on your life even it's sadly your blood-related family.

Posted in Day of Birth Posted 3 years ago

@MoodyB: Yeah art is one thing I'm proud myself over for despite the criticism I get by others, and btw nice drawings you got on Insta, I gave you a follow ^^

Part of me wants to try to draw a little more realistic too but I don't have a heart to start on it right now, especially since it took awhile for me to find my own art style, which is also started out as chibis and now has evolve into something else x'DD

But is good that you cut off certain people like that in your life or at least set boundaries, ugh dealing people like them can drain the energy out of you.
At least in my own experience... the criticism I'm only willing the listen are the people that wants me to improve or care for me or my work, not bring me down.

Posted in Day of Birth Posted 3 years ago

@MoodyB: I'm the same way x'D
The only day I do look at my own social media (separated at my own artwork I post online) Is on my birthday, then I'll just check again next year pfft. As a fellow artist expressing myself through art is a lot easier than the other way around. Although it has been very hard to find motivation to draw these days and I've been ridiculed with my art too... mostly because I don't draw realism and my art style is on the childish cutesy side *rolls eyes*

Yeah, is funny how comforting it is to know that we're not truly alone struggling with our lives but it still feels like we're all alone when situation gets tough. At least that's what I'm going through these several days and a ton of it is still accepting and healing certain things that happened in the past.
I'm at the point I'm not so try hard about it and just trust "the process" even it feels is not much an improvement in some days.

Posted in Day of Birth Posted 3 years ago

@MoodyB: I'm sorry :/
Yeah I can understand why you don't like birthdays then, I wouldn't too... But hey your family may not like you but at least there's someone out there does and maybe more to come in the future. I also think there's strength of being comfortable and okay being alone. Coming from someone who's an extreme introvert.

But as for someone who hates birthdays in different side of the spectrum, I guess I truly don't like birthdays because is such a reminder to get my shit together... because I'm getting older and my life is far from perfect. And the fact I don't really have anyone to spend it with besides my family which I should be grateful for, but their not the type of people I can comfortably be myself with...

Posted in Day of Birth Posted 3 years ago

Man I can relate this... the more years to come and as I grow older the more I'm not a fan of birthdays... Is not like I'm alone on those days is just the idea and expectation of celebrating it is ugh nope. Plus is just an awful reminder that I'm getting older... I'm not that ready to let go of my youth yet =w=;

But Happy Birthday regardless :)
I'm glad there was someone took a time to draw a drawing for you today, she's one good friend you have there~

@Wildfire: Morning~
That's pretty much my week in a nutshell, I'm just terrible following my own plans =w=
Weirdly enough, it doesn't feel like the weekend to me... maybe because I have to catch on some chores and tasks for bein a lazyass....