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It was super duper fun
I have no idea. I forgot the name but it was for girls only I think.
Oh wow that totally sucks!
I know there was an avi site I once loved and I totally forgot the name, but it was literally my life. I would spend all day and night on it trying to get as many items I wanted. The avis and items were just adorable! I loved it soo much!! but they couldn't afford the site anymore and just shut it down..
Did Ernya die?
Yeah a lot of avi sites have pretty sweet people and items!
Never been on Ernya before
Rosey; That's true. Most people think they can't draw but...WTH U CAN FREAKIN DRAW SO GOOD!!!!!!!
Kozi; ooo yummy!
Haha you look a bit like Christmas besides the black cuz I don't see much of black on Christmas. I can't wait for more items~
Haven't had oatmeal in a while, but it is so good!
@RoseyWitch: Oh wow. I haven't exactly been practicing.

Well the green and red looks really good Zach
Hi Zach! Sweet avi~
Posted in The Autumn Box [Free Art and Stories!] OPEN! Posted 7 years ago
@Mica: Haha yeah I absolutely hate math! Ughhh
Rosey; Haha definitely I just wish I could draw!
Wb Kozi!!
Rosey; Wooo art!
Hey Rosey! Going good. What's up